Chapter 32 (Part 2): Princess and the Pea

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A/N: Okay so here is the second installment of Chapter 32 as promised so I hope you like it and I’m sorry if there are any spelling or grammatical errors or anything but it’s quite late and I haven’t really proof read it yet. But anyway thank you for fanning this story and I would love to get some more votes or comments from you guys but thanks for reading because it really means a lot! Thanks and happy reading! :) x


Niall then ushered her through to the couch and we all sat there together, anxiously waiting for Harry and Louis to arrive. As if right on queue a loud, obnoxious knocking sounded at the door and didn’t let up until I went up to get it, leaving Niall to hold Nora’s hand as we all prepared for Louis’ mad outburst that was sure to come. 


I opened the door and saw Eleanor, Harry and Louis standing there and I just stood to the side as the three of them rushed around looking for Nora. “Why does she have an ice pack on her face?”

“Actually it’s a bag of peas.” I admired Niall’s courage for trying to crack a joke right now but the others hadn’t had as much time to adjust to the situation and were in no mood for humor.

“Look Louis please don-”

“Someone better tell me why she has a fucking bag of peas on her face and why I got a call saying you found her outside the apartment crying. Because I’d really like to know what the hell happened here?” Louis hardly ever got mad but if anyone ever hurt someone he loved then it was a whole different story; and this was one of those times. 
“Louis let the poor girl talk.” Eleanor tried to calm him down but he just slammed the door behind him and stood in the apartment with his arms crossed in front of him, staring at all of us as if daring someone to speak.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Nora spoke up only this time Louis didn’t cut her off. “Louis I’m sorry. If I had just listened to you then none of this would’ve ever happened. I was foolish and I know now not to believe everything people tell me, even if they claim to still care about me.” When she said that I became painfully aware of how Liam was the only one missing here but Louis just sighed and walked towards her spot on the couch.

“How bad is it?” He sat down next her and reached up for the bag, pulling it away and stiffening up at the sight of it. The cold of ice had made it look even redder but you could still make out the deep purple of the bruise. Eleanor quickly stepped forward, scared that Louis would snap at the sight of it.

“When is management coming?” He spoke through gritted teeth and we all looked to Niall for answers. He was startled at first before answering the only non-demanding question Louis had come up with since coming into the apartment.

“First thing in the morning, around 7.30 I think. They want to get this all under control as soon as possible.” Nora’s face visibly paled when Louis mentioned management and I made a mental note to ask her about it later.

“Good. Are you okay now love? Harry’ll take you back to the apartment and then I’ll make sure I don’t come back too late alright?” He hugged Nora carefully and they shared a knowing glance before he laced his fingers through Eleanor’s and the two of them made their way to the door, Ellie pausing to give Nora a hug and give us all a general goodbye.

“So are you ready to go back now or do you want to stay here for a while?” Harry came further into the apartment then. He had obviously been trying to avoid Louis’ outburst but now that he was gone Harry took up a more casual persona and you could practically feel the tension leaving the room.

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