Chapter 43: Never a Quiet Moment

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A/N: Okay so as promised here is Chapter 43! I hope you like it and as usual I thrive off your feedback so if you have any comments, advice, criticisms or anything like that then please feel free to leave a comment or vote but thanks so much and happy reading!! :) xx


And nothing is worse than waking up in the morning only to have your day ruined by some immature teenage girl calling you fat, or ugly, or saying that your boyfriend could do so much better. No one deserves to hear that, least of all Nora. So you know what? So just back off or else you’ll have to answer to me as well as the boys.”


“How dare you embarrass me like that? You are unbelievable Eleanor! Choosing her over me!” The door to our car slammed shut but my ears were still ringing from the screams the crowd had produced after my rant. My veins were coursing with adrenalin and I still couldn’t believe I had just said all that. I had been thinking it sure but to actually voice my opinions like that, well it wasn’t something I did very often

“You bitch I can’t believe you’d do that!” Danielle was still talking and I decided that if I had the guts to speak in front of all those people, then I should at least be able to tell her to shut up.

“Shut up! Just shut up! Shut up! Shut up Danielle!” Her face was priceless, she had always been the more controlling friend but now that I had my newly gained confidence there was nothing stopping me from giving her what-for. 

“Excuse me?”

“I said shut up Danielle! You’re pathetic! You could have been happy, Nora would have accepted you, we could have been close again and your relationship with Liam would have been an awkward friendship at best. But you always want more that you can get, and now you have nothing.”

“But, but you know that I love him, I can’t just forget about him I need him back!”

“Well it’s too late now." I turned my attention away from my flabbergasted 'friend' and leant forward to talk to our driver. "Um sir, how far away are we from our first stop?” Our driver had been silent through out it all but he smirked quietly before answering me.

“About five minutes Miss.”

“Great, could you pull over then please.” Danielle looked even more surprised at that and I couldn’t help but chuckle, it was surprising what a little adrenaline and confidence could do for a person. “Danielle get out please, you can walk now and after this I don’t want to hear from you unless you plan on apologizing. Good bye.” The driver put the car in park and I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to keep a straight face as she flustered to grab her bag and stumble out onto the sidewalk. The door was soon shut though and as it was, the reality of the situation dawned on me. I had just lost one of my best friends, and I didn’t know how I felt about it. So I laughed. Nora had said that sometimes when all her drama was too much she would laugh it off. So I laughed as tears streamed down my face and we wove through the London traffic back to my apartment on the university campus.


"You guys were amazing!" Nora ran up to us and threw her arms around Liam's neck, he kissed her softly before she pulled away and came over to congratulate the rest of us. "You were bloody brilliant Harry!" She gave me a quick hug and smiled wide before going over to congratulate Niall and gush over his guitar solo.

I chuckled to myself at how excited she was, like a kid in a candy store, but I turned and saw Louis sitting on one of the speakers, looking quite mellow since the concert had ended and walked straight over to him. "So are you and Ellie okay now?”  He looked up, surprised at first but then he just sighed.

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