13- Pjs make the best supersuit

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Chapter 13 - Pjs make the best supersuit

Being in a real-life action movies is only fun when you are the witty agent who's destined to win every fight. As for the hostage in pajamas who doesn't even know what the hell is going on? Not so fun.

"Cryonics." Chameleon chuckled, looking up from me. "So we kidnapped the right damsel." Pfft. Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourself for the super cliche and unnecessary villain talk. Mostly lasts less than 5 minutes before the hero shut them up for good.

Or I would be the one shutting him up in this case since I hated to be addressed as a damsel in distress.

The fog that seemed to follow Cryonics everywhere helped him remained hidden.

"Let her go." The ice super said coldly, emphasising his words. "Now." He seemed to have become the most dangerous person in the room now.

"You don't expect me to say okay, sure do you?" Chameleon sighed, tightening his grip on my wrists. "You don't get to ask what's to be done around here, boy."

Gosh, judging by the way Frosty cracked his knuckles and narrowed his eyes at the duo, I realized he was ready to kill someone. "I'm not asking." He said monotonously. "If she gets hurt, I won't be lenient."

He met my eyes and I could see him nodding a little as if to say I got this.

Pfft. Do the math, Frosty. It's two against one.

I just brought up my fists, colliding them with the hard scales on my captor's throat. Right in the windpipe. I broke free by kicking him in the gut, throwing him off balance.

One of my flip flop got flung away because of that.

Cryonics glided over in a flash, grabbing the villain by the throat and flung him backward, away from me.

"Fudge nugget!" I cussed, cradling my foot after it made contact with the hard scales. My knuckles were also throbbing from punching the villain. Warm tears dampened my eyes. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Need some ice for that?" Cryonics asked.

I scoffed, hopping over to him on only one leg. "Dude. For real?" I winced breathlessly. "That freaking hurt!-." My balance was not at its best on only one foot so I tripped over as expected.

I waited for him to laugh at me but he didn't. I was sure if I was the one watching him jumping around on one leg because he just kicked a reptilian super villain when had a flip flop on, I would be guffawing on the floor.

"I'll take care of those villains. I'll be right back, kid. You can stay-."

"I'm not dead. Go do your job, Frosty." I looked up from the ground where I tended to lie on it for a few more minutes until my legs could stop shaking. "They will escape in time if you stalled."

Cryonics clenched his jaws, nodding solemnly before disappearing behind curtain of fog.

I didn't even see what was going on clearly but I saw dark blue blur in the thick fog. Then, there was a muffled scream and I saw 2 very hideous ice statues standing at the end of the bunk.

Thin frost covered their skins but their yellow reptilian eyes were still rolling around int he socket. That sickened me. "That won't hold them back for long. How are you feeling?" Cryonics's voice said. He appeared kneeling next to me.

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