30- They don't guard the windows though

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This is the last chapter before the epilogue ;-;

It's been fun writing this book. Thanks for sticking around for this long, guys!


- Ida

Chapter 30- They don't guard the windows though

Tuesday, 12 June

20:32 PM

"They will come here for me soon if you don't hurry, fire girl." Dark haired boy muttered under his breath. "And we'll be dead. Or at least, you will be dead."

"Fun." I concentrated more thermal energy on the already red chain attaching the handcuffs to the boy's wrists. Bright fire created dramatic contrast to the pitch black environment with its incandescent light. "Lots of sacrifices had been done yesterday. You should be happy you could sacrifice yourself without actually dying."

"Did someone accidentally die sacrificing himself yesterday?" He drawled on casually. "Your champion is still doing okay?"

I sucked in sharp intake of breath as his words sank in, creating jolt of energy surge through my veins from heated anger and grief.

"Alright. Got it" He tilted his head to one side, observing my reaction. "My condolences." He whispered monotonously, nodding a little.

Super villains are human after all.

Clenching my fists around the metal chain holding Chameleon back from his freedom, I noticed fire burnt even brighter from my hands. I felt warmness spreading from my eyes region and felt grateful I had a mask to hide my expression. I took in a deep breath, steadying my focus.

"We have ten minutes before the cops reach the generator then the light will come back on to give everyone in the control room glimpse of Flare busting a villain out of jail. Your trust issues used up five of that." I sneered despite the fact the my voice was cracking as I pulled apart the now molten chains to free the super villain. Twice in 2 days. "And we still have to spare some time in case your lovely friend's arranged you a surprise visit! I highly doubt they will let you live like we did."

"Is that why you're here? You're guilty you left me to die?" I could still place Chameleon's wide grin even under the shadow as we sprinted in out of the dark room. "Or is it because I lived against all odds?"

- - - -

10 hours prior...

"--It has been 2 days since the biggest superheroes and villains match took place at the City Hall. It was surely one of the biggest Armageddon in the history. We apologized for the delay in broadcasting. Since thousands of citizens had been somehow put under control of the super villains group. Evident suggested that the super villains involved in the attack were--" I turned down the volume of the TV in the hospital room and dropped the aluminum spoon back into the white ceramic bowl still filled to the brim with oatmeal.

Just oat, actually. The word meal should only be reserved to call food, not some soggy, insipid, inedible grayish substance.

Cool air from the AC was tainted with scent of Iodoform, causing my already non existent appetite to shrink even more.

Rubbing my quite swollen eyes, I slipped the brown tray back onto an aluminum nightstand at the side of a bed that could be featured in a hyperspace sci-fi film. If there was an intruder, I could just grab these random tendrils from those random machines and strangle them.

I just woke up for 2 hours with 2 needles stuck in my arms and I was already contemplating violent plan I'd never be able to pull off at least in this week.

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