Easter fuckery

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Nagisa POV

"Easter? What does Easter have to do with eggs?"

"Okay this isn't the church version. This is like the bunnies and chickens and pastels."

"There's a church version?"

"What 'version' are you talking about?" Karma can't be this stupid.

"Look. I didn't go out much as a kid. My mom just told me that I got and easter basket on the counter every year because this giant hare with an Australian accent gaveit to me."

A/n well look what I forgot to post on the correct day.

Im writing an angst tone and I want to know if you guys think Nagisa should:

- know Karma (as it is in cannon)
-know Karma (knows he exists but isn't close with him)
-Karma is in A class and Nagisa is in E class (they don't know each other at all)

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