Some fluffs 3

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"I think I'm going to ask out Karma." Okuda smiles at Rio.

"Wait, what?" Rio blanks for a moment. "That isn't a good idea, sweetie."

"What? Why not? He's single and I heard out of all the girls in class he likes me the most." Okuda gets defensive, packing her things quicker.

"Look... I'm not sure if Karma has a boy he likes more." Rio holds her shoulders, looking into her eyes in a plea.

"Well... I'll find out." She nods confidently and they walk out of the school building.

I hope she doesn't. Karma will definitely say yes. He acts all tough but he's a total softie to romance. He can't even deny a little kids request to be pushed on a swing, how will he deny a sweet girl asking him out. He can't crush her heart. If I have to, I will. I've been crushing on him for twice as long as she's known he exists. I should at least get a chance! Well... it's kind of my fault. I should have made a move.


"Karma can I come to your house later today?" I stand beside his desk.

"Yea, my parents aren't home for another week." He absentmindedly twirls a green knife, staring at Korosensei with distaste.

"Could you wait for me so we can walk together? I want to talk to you." If Okuda tries to confess after school I can be there to do it first.



I can't find the words! She coming this way! what do I do?! I won't have time to say anything before she calls his attention away.

I only have a second to reach up for his collar and pull his face towards mine.

"Nagisa, What-?" I cut him off with a small kiss. It's only a tiny peck, but it gets Okuda to stop in her tracks. Don't look at her! I don't want her to think I'm only doing this to spite her. I move my full attention back up to Karma, who's shaking and turning red. Shit.


"What was that for?"

"I didn't know how to say I like you."

"You want to date? Is that what you mean?"


"Really?" A smile of relief spreads across his face.

"You're my best friend. I want to be more than just platonic interests. I want to be your best friend and your lover. I want to be everything."

"You are my everything."

A/n ok so I don't think this is really fluff but idfk it happened. Here.

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