high school reunion

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"Pf-Fuck!" He got hotter?! How???

Oh fuck, his arms are just barely making a show of themselves, making an outline in his too-tight sleeves only when he flexes to reach or wave. Fuck that's hot. He hasn't been skipping leg day either. He was never anything other than slim, but now it's slim definition. Damn if I wouldn't let those arms kill me some day.

"Karma!" He jumps up, wrapping himself around me in a hug. He is still super light, but he's strong. I bet he could lift me up.

"You didn't get much taller, did you, Na-gi-sa?"


"Get a room!"

"Somebody is letting an old crush come back."

"Shut up."

"So I was wondering... okay, look. We're adults. We're too old for crushes. Do you want to go out with me? On a date?"

"What, are you joking?"

"No! I want to go out with you!"


"Because you're beautiful! You're strong... I tried to ignore it when we were younger but I can't pretend I don't think you're the most wonderful thing to set foot on this planet. Just- Why are you laughing?"

"I'm just teasing you! Honestly I never thought you'd finally ask me. I didn't want to rush you."


"Look who finally decided to get together!"

"Get some!"

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