Some Fluffs 5

636 21 2

"Can i just be selfish for a minute?" Karma shuts the door behind himself.

"What do you mean?" I turn off the tv, looking over the couch at him.

"Am I allowed to be?"

"That really just depends on your version of selfish. Just, come sit down."

"Just, Hold me. The way I always hold you." He lays his head on my lap.

"Did you have a bad day?" I tangle my fingers in his hair.


"Want to tell me what's wrong?"


"Just want to cuddle?"


"It's still early. How about I make dinner and you can shower. We can eat in bed and just hang out, sound good?" I help him up to a sitting position.


A/n holy fuck I'm sick but it isn't the first strand of strep so it's either second strand, a virus, or a sinus infection so oops

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