🔘sick~Levi x Reader

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I was in the mess hall with my friends, eating and chatting shitty stuff.

And while we were enjoying the meal... sadly, it needed to end.

After taking our dishes to the sink, we all walk toward the training grounds.

As usual, our routine in everyday we have in this corps.

Eren was always my partner in hand to hand combat, and sometimes Mikasa.

Mikasa was much more better than me... I barely won if I hadn't been soo clumsy though.

If you ask why? Well, I was just scared of her gaze when she's soo serious.

It give me this, wave of fear like when I saw the look of the corporal when I threw my coffee on the ground.

Men, staring at his lethal glare made me feel fear and trepidation, ya feel meh....

Now, let's stop with that topic, and go on where I was now.

I was in the training grounds for our daily training; hand to hand combat.

My partner is Eren, again; well it's better if it's him, I don't want to be kicked by the hard *ss feet of Mikasa.

But there was something off that caught my attention.

Usually, the corporal is here early to watch and of course, give his frightening scowl if we mess around.

But now, he was not here.

It was kind of good in a way, but for some reason, me, myself didn't know why I miss his intense presence.

"You ready?" Assured Eren,making me snap out through my thoughts.

I looked at him with a smirked receiving his sanguine-winning face.

"You bet I am," and with that, we got to our fighting stance, ready on our hand to hand combat.

I gripped the wooden knife, while my eyes examine his position.

Foreseeing his move and reading through his torques eyes that sure was filled with intense vibe.

Now I sensed that Eren was planning on attacking my shin, and before he could now do his plan, I swiftly dodge his attack with ease.

He grunted as he stumbled, almost loosing his balance.

But before he could regain his composure, I quickly kicked his butt, making him fully loose balance and fall.

His face hit the dirty ground with a loud thud.

His butt was facing me as his face was still kissed by the sweet-sweet dirty floor.

All I did was laugh from my frivolity, and men... good thing the corporal wasn't here.

"Okay... I win... again," I grinned earning a groan from him that muffled from the sand.

He slowly got up rubbing his face and butt, while looking at me with a spoof look towards me.

"I never get to win against you," he pouted like a cute child that made me stare at him in awe.

I patted his head feeling his soft brunette hair bounce like a fluffy cloud.

"C'mon... there's always a tommorow," I beamed trying to make his hopes up.

Well of course, him being the always I can do it thinker, he nod in agreement and looked at me.

Again, with that credent look on his oceanic eyes.

Levi X Reader=one-shots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now