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Requested by:AnnieBlackk

||Tsundere Levi x Tsundere Reader||

Hope you like it😋

3rd POV

Early in the morning, same as to any other days, all of the cadets were getting fed up from this continuous blabber of a two certain people. Also known as the Corporal and (f/n).

"You're the one who started it... Ughhhh... I hate you," (f/n) growled with venom dripping through these three last words. Standing in front of her superior, who highly think of the same thing as her. Hatred. The feeling of hate was always running through their veins in every time they see each other. But if you question why, well, let us leave that to someone who can really solve all of these. Later....

"Is that really the way to speak with your superior, cadet!" Levi leaned closer, to see the range, evidently raising through his steel orbs. But for some reason, (f/n) can't resist staring through his menacing eyes. She found it beautiful in a way, but she denied that adoration by making herself feel the opposite. "Did I ever tell you how disgusting your eyes could be?" Even if her words sounds genuine, what's truly behind those negative description is actually the positivity, thus the truth. "No one ask you, shit face!" This ravenette might've felt offended from her words, but its not like she never done that before. Insults and shit ton of I hate you stuff would always come if the two meet gaze. But sometimes, these two could feel hurt on some words they pronounce themselves, and words that they hear. But they still denied the odd feeling that we all call, 'like'

Levi actually likes seeing (f/n)'s face, but only from afar, for as you might have guess, she likes to smile all to no reason; all the time. And to Levi, her smile is such a way to do even if they are in a world where everything can be a dilemma. But yet again, he question this fondness over to her smile, he doesn't want it, yet at the same time, he likes it. "And you stupid brat have an idiotic voice, could you stop talking? its making my ears bleed." Yes, it might be true that he can get irritated over to her voice. But only because of her foul tone. He likes to hear her voice, from every time she speaks casual, –to others, and not to him– and how her laugh could ring through his ears.

"Ohhohohoho... My apologies then, corporal, I'm sorry that I'm always in a bad luck, from every time I see your face." Lies isn't it. Her desires through her statement can easily be emphasized. Yet again, its all a bluff, cause deep inside, she likes to see him everyday. She likes to admire his porcelain features, on how his hair could flow in his every training session. On how his short frame move with perfection –as much as how she describes him– and his husky voice, sending shivers all through her spine.  But her mouth is all zipped from that fact. And what she do is to just repudiate all these odd feelings, even if that shell could crack if they're not around each other.

As much as this two make a distasteful sight. All of the cadets and superiors around them think of the same things if ever this happen. "Just kiss already!" And once one of this recruits had the courage to shout that out loud, the two stopped from their quarrel, but neither do (f/n) or even  Levi broke eye contact, yet instead, a heat rose from both of their cheeks. And after a couple of seconds, they averted their gaze from each other and towards to the owner of the voice.

This person, named Eren, shrunk after seeing the most lethal glare of the two, but it's just a relief that stares can't kill. So with a final huff from the two, they turned to their separate destinations with a grumble of rampant words whispered under their breaths.

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