🔘(Truth or dare)Levi x reader

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Today... at our curfew... Hanji called us all to her office to play a game.

She said that it would be fun but really... it involves drinking alcohol.

To be honest... I'm a heavy drinker so I don't have to worry about it.

Hanji only invited me and my friends and... Levi's squad... it also includes him.

We all sit into a circle surrounding bottles of beers and a candle.

"Ok... here's the rules" started Hanji and Levi, as usual 'tched'.

"We'll play truth or dare but if he or she doesn't want to do it... then they get to drink a cup... and I depends on to the person who dared you," exclaimed Hanji .

"Why do you need to drag me to this shitty game... tch... such childish games," Levi scoffed, but Hanji just laughed and clapped her hands together catching our attention.

"Lets start!" she pointed her finger to Gunther and he pointed himself curious, but scared at the same time.

Well we all know Hanji, sometimes, she can be ruthless.

"Me?" Asked Gunther and Hanji nodded.

"Dare," Gunther said confidently, making Hanji smirk.

"Say something that embarrass you the most," Hanji dared, making him gulped, nervous to actually get an answer for her or even for himself.

"Well... I'll just drink," he sighed earning an awe from Hanji.

"Three cups," Hanji huffed as Gunther instantly gulped the beer.

"Ahhh... okay... Eren... truth or dare?" He asked Eren.

"Umm... truth?" He asked himself not really sure to his answer

"Tell me... do you accept the fate of being one of the Titan shifters?" Eren looked down, seemingly on drowned by his thought.

And finally, he looked back up, with those emerald pools, filled with seriousness.

"Ummm... once I knew about it... it was hard for me at first, cause of the negative things that I might receive. But when I had learned to use it... I had finally got a chance to save my friends and mostly humanity and revenge all of the death that had been caused by the titans. I'll ehnaliat them. SOO yes... I do accept being a titan shifter even if it's hard." he exclaimed.

Hanji smiled soo widely making Eren flinch.

"Now... Ummm... Oluo-san...truth or dare?" Eren asked, Oluo just scoffed, pretending to not actually care.

"Tch... truth," he answered and Eren thought for a bit.

" why do you mostly act like Levi heicho?" Levi seemed to be interested towards this question of the brunette.

"I'll just drink," Oluo said, Eren frowned and felt disappointed.

"Just one cup," Eren sigjed, Oluo rolled his eyes and grabbed a cup.

After Oluo finished drinking, he pointed at Petra.

"Truth!" she immediately answered, but on my to feel anxious over at her choice when she saw Oluo smirked.

"Tell me... if your stuck in a room with someone, who do you want it to be?" Oluo asked and that made Petra blush.

"How many cup," Petra said and Oluo grunted.

"6" he simply replied.

After Petra drinked her cups... I think she's not a heavy drinker... she's already drunk though.

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