❄crack #2❄

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Levi was very sick and had to be confined in the hospital.

Thinking he was about to die, he called his beautiful wife to his bed.

"I feel that I might not make it, and in case anything happens to me, I feel it is the best to tell you the whole truth my dearest wife"

Levi takes a long deep breath and proceeds with his confession.

"I cheated in you in the 4 months we were married. All those night when I said I had nightshift to do at work, I was actually with other women. Not just one woman either, I slept with Petra, and Mikasa a whole bunch of times from work" Levi finished as he looked at (f/n)

"Yes honey, I know, why do you think I gave you poison this morning?" (F/n) burst out laughing as Levi's jaw, dropped.

(Never cheat my dear readers.)


Never kiss a police man
He will say, "hands up"
Never kiss a doctor
He'll just say, "next please!"
Always kiss the raven haired teacher, and he will say "repeat it five times daily!"

*Pick up lines*⚫

Levi: are you a calendar?
(F/n): no... why?
Levi: cause I was wanting to have a date... with you

(F/n): are you the sun?
Levi: tch... no... why?
(F/n): cause isn't you, or it is really freaking hot in here

Levi:are you the ocean?
(F/n): why'd you ask?
Levi: cause I can't breath if I'm inside you
(F/n): *blushes*

(F/n): do you have a ruler?
Levi: yeah, why
(F/n): so I can measure your length if I tease you
Levi: (f/n), fuck it


Everyone was having a lunch in the mess hall, till suddenly, the door barge open.

Everyone in the mess hall, flinched and the others dropped their food.

"Who the fuck did made my UNIFORM dirty!!" Yelled Levi as he pointed at his jacket that was stained by mud.

It was dead silent in the mess hall as they just looked at the angry corporal.

"Answer me BRATS" he yelled as he stormed in.

And then, (f/n) slowly raise her hand as she looked down.

Every people in the mess hall looked at (f/n).

Levi just stare at her and looked at her with a really range mode glare.

"S-sorry sir... we were just slacking around when suddenly, that happened" exclaimed (f/n)

"Clean.my.uniform" Levi said with venom dripping in every word.

"Oh... okay... will I clean it while your in it... or clean it while your out of it?"

People in the mess hall started to laugh but the corporal was not entertained by her joke.

His eye twitch on being pissed off, and all of the sudden, he ran towards (f/n).

(F/n) notice the angry corporal coming towards her so she quickly ran.

The corporal chased (f/n), and the cadets just watch them running around.

"Stop running you dipshit" yelled Levi

"I'm sorry... I can't help myself" (f/n) apologized while laughing and running away from the angry midget.


Levi and (f/n) was walking happily beside the beach.

Little did (f/n) know, Levi was planning to purpose to her.


"(F/n)... we've been together for about a year" Levi knelt down in one knee and took out a velvety box from his pocket

"And now... I wanted to ask you" he opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"Will you merry me?" He ask

But (f/n) was not yet ready, but she was happy that Levi really do look forward for their relationship.

"I'm sorry Levi, I'm not yet ready" she said and Levi, felt humiliated.

But he thought of something.

"What do you mean your not ready, here... hold this" he handed (f/n) the box.

"O-okay" (f/n) took the box, completely confused.

Levi took out a handkerchief from his pocket and started to wipe it in (f/n)'s shoes.

"I was planning to clean your shoes... it's filthy" he said still wiping wiping (f/n)'s shoes.



Done... hahaha.... I wish you laughed from this lame jokes

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