🔘Levi x neko~reader

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Levi's POV

I was purchasing some cleaning supplies for my office at the market.

Today, we're off... after having a successful expedition, we got a day off.

And that day, I made my self busy by passing through town.

In every time I pass poeple, they all started to talk about me.

"Isn't that lance corporal Levi?"
"Look the humanity's strongest soldier"
"Men... his soo sexy"
"Fuck... his here"

And blah blah blah...

I didn't really care, all I want was to have a time to be by myself.

After paying the cleaning supplies, I now decided to go to the tea shop.

I walked through an alley that was dirty and a little bit dark.

And when I carry on walking, I suddenly heard a 'meow' from behind me.

I looked at where the sound came from and it landed into a small white cat.

He/she was staring at me with its big (e/c) eyes.

It looks more like a female cat, but I didn't really care.

I stared at it till it started to rub her white fur onto my boots.

I didn't want to get germs from this cat so I pushed her.

And when she was off, I started to walk again.

When I arrived at the tea shop, I was trying to see a good type of a tea, but sadly... there was none.

I signed and decided to go back at the HQ.

I don't know the reason why I can't stop thinking about this cat, so I walked back at the alley.

I was hoping to see that cat again to get it off my mind.

I looked left and right trying to find a sertane white cat, till my gaze landed into the same cat I saw awhile ago.

There was something into her mouth.

A pack of something, inside was leaves that were dark green.

I knelt down to see what it was.

I took the pack from her mouth and she meowed.

She patted the pack and looked at me.

I looked at the leaves from inside and realized, that it was a tea leaf.

A very rare tea leaf

"Where did you get this?" I asked the cat, pretty much a dum idea.

She just meowed as she started nuzzling her head into my hand.

I picked her up, and wanted her to be a pet.

'Maybe it won't be bad to have a pet' I thought as I go back at the HQ.

The cadets looked at me while I go pass them and towards my office.

I didn't really care cause they were just curiouser about this cat that I was holding.

And when I opened the door of my office, I neatly fixed the stuff I perchance.

After fixing, I took the pack of tea leaves and wanted to try the taste of it.

I looked at the cat to see that it was pretty much looking clean, though her fur was white.

But I still made sure that it was clean, so I picked her up and go toward my bathroom.

Levi X Reader=one-shots (Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя