🏉crack #1🏉

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Hanji's POV

I walked through shorty's office to find no one.

I started to panicked as I looked around.

And suddenly, I spotted a note on his desk.

I quickly grabbed it and read it.

The writings was clean and clear, and it has two different writing.

One is that it's a little bit girly writing and the other was just like shorty's writing.

The note said.

I got him and don't look for him....
Don't dare to look for him....

I gasped and quickly ran out his office to find my trustful titan boy and his friends.

And when I finally spot them.

"EEERRRREEENNNN!!!" I shouted as I ran towards them.

They suddenly ran away, but before they could run, I tuckled them from the ground to land with a loud thud.

Eren was below Mikasa and armin was at my side.

I immidiently sat up and shove the paper into Eren's face.

"Shotty!! Taken... I don't know.... his gone... no shorty... alert dirty halls and stables" I blurted out as I panicked.

"H-hanji-San... calm down" said my sweet coconut head.

"Who could possibly take the corporal?" Asked Eren handing the note back.

"I don't know!!! We need to find him, quick... come with me" I pulled them and brought them through my office.

~time skip~

3rd POV

Hanji, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa, was in a mission of finding the missing corporal.

Hanji was using a binoculars as she was behind a bush.

"Umm... Hanji-San... why are we hiding?" Asked Armin confused, while peeked out through the bush.

"To make the kidnappers not to notice us" Hanji replied

"But how would we find him if we don't even have a single clue in who ever did kidnap the corporal?" Questioned Eren as he looked at Hanji.

"Yeah and why didn't we even inform the commander about this?" Also Mikasa questioned.

"Wakarimasen (l don't know)" Was Hanji's answer that made the trio's jaws fall.

"Nani!! Then how would we find him?" Asked Eren with panic.

"I got a one clue... I saw dirty footprints from his office... or maybe I saw it out the HQ?" Hanji thought for a bit, rubbing her chin.

"Footprints... are you sure?" Asked Armin and Hanji nod.

" and also... the note got two different types of writting... maybe two people kidnapped shorty" said Hanji and suddenly she jump out the bush.

"Hanji-san, doko ni ikimasu ka? (where are we going?)" Armin looked at Hanji and also got out the bush.

"To the roof" said Hanji pointing up on a roof.

Levi X Reader=one-shots (Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin