💝Mystery of the chronicle

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Before I start, I just wanted to say that I had made a bunch of words that has no meaning.

Please don't search about the words.

I just made it up, and you'll understand the meaning of the words that was lame...

Any who.... try to Bare with the confusing story

Hehe... bye and enjoy

"We shall name her (f/n), and as to be called as the princess of Amfathus. But this child is going through a lot of challenges"

"Our child can handle it, even if it would go through misery"

"I wish, that she could go and save all of them"

"She can Izzu, she can, you need to believe on her own strength"

"Then I shall give a gift to her" the parents turned to see Hithen, the strongest goddess, and also the father of all.

The two gave respect to the father off all immortals and priest.

"Oh dear Hithen, we are very greatful for you presence to our dear daughter" said the queen of Amfathus

"We shall put our favour of our own treasures for saying Thank you" said the king of Amfathus

"You don't have to give me a favour to return. Cause I saw your daughter as true savour of the humanity, who struggled for their freedom. But... I must warn you that, their is always be consequences that she shall face. And to fight the darkness to stain this chronicle" Hithen pulled our a book.

The cover was blue with golden letters written on it and the pages was all white.

"I shall give her all of my power, cause it is time, for me to go and send peace" he placed the book besides the baby and he strokes her soft (h/c) hair.

"Thou shall give the power of the Himpather(light) of thuthfulness and Gyreis (Melody) to fight the fear and Zyrull (hope) to find a way of not giving up no matter how hard it could take" he held on the baby's soft small(s/t) hand and carted a spell.

And suddenly, a light emerged from Hithen's heart and traveled throughout the hand of the baby.

Then suddenly, there was a make forming on her back hand.

"Himpather" a voice whispered
"Gyreis" a higher pitch, yet angelic voice whispered
"Zyrull" a strong voice whispered

The wind struck the whole area as the king and queen, hugged each other.

Light shown like gold and voices of angels sang.

And slowly, everything went back to normal, finding petals cherry blossoms all over the baby.

Izzu, the king, looked around to find Hithen gone.

Hethelia, looked at their daughter, who was peacefully sleeping with a mark on her left hand.

They slowly approached the baby to find the chronicle beside her.

Izzu was about to put the chronicle on a the table.

But when he touched the chronicle, his hand burned.

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