🌌(Island of our meeting) Prince~Levi x reader

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Tight rope around his torso, dripping blood of fresh cut wounds.

Laughter of people who had known to be pirates, stole a royal boat that was sopposed to be sailing to find an island.

Struggling for freedom while all he feel was pain.

"Ya can't escape... don't move or we'll drop ya off the plank," a greedy voice spoke to the Prince who had seen nothing but darkness because of the blindfold.

"I'm soo sorry your majesty, we couldn't save you," a royal guard felt down with guilt of not fulfilling its duty to protect it's majesty.

Upon the sight of his majesty, a strong royal guird looked down in shame.

Seeing him soo helpless and all wounded because of torture.

The Prince endured the pain feeling every warm drip of his own blood.

Biting his bottom lip in every sting he felt.

Heavy breathing and fast beating of his heart.

And the oceans wave made sounds in every wind strike.

"Ha... helpless runt... now what daya wanna do boss," a crew of the pirates asked with a smirk of success.

"This is the royal son of the great king Ackerman.  He's a golden buck... we'll use him as bait to get every treasure of their kingdom," when the plan was heard, sounds of heavy feet stomping on the wooden floor were vibrating from bellow.

Cheers and shouts of drunk pirates reverberated through the wide open ocean.

Every royal guird jitter knowing that it will affect their kingdom and their people.

The Prince seethe in the ungrateful plan of the pirates.

His teeth gritted, nails dug throug his palm with anger flowing through his nerves.

He thought his own kingdom's sake than his, suddenly, he stood with his might, not complaining the cry of his weakened body.

The pirates didn't notice his action because of their celebration of having their greatest buck.

But the royal guirds wanted to stop him knowing what he was planning, was risky.

Unfortunately, one of the pirates saw the Prince action and immediately attacked him.

The raven haired Prince notice the presence of the pirate who was about to attack him.

And with the help of his senses, he swiftly turn avoiding the blade of the dirty sword, making it to cut the rope instead of being plug through his flesh.

The rope fell and the Prince was free.

He immediately removed the cloth that was covering his eyes and pulled the sword off the hands of its owner.

The pirates turned their attention toward the Prince, and when they saw that he was free, they all grabbed their weapons and attacked him.

His pale fingers twiddled through the handle and boosted up his feet.

He jump with a flip to prevent the incoming bullet and perfectly landed infront of his royal guirds.

He swing the sword to cut the ropes around their torso for them to be freed.

They all stood up and searched for something useful to fight the pirates.

The Prince felt the wave of pain of his wounds causing him to collapse.

But he held on the sword to help him keep his balance.

"Fight them, make sure no one lives" the Prince ordered receiving a nod from his crew.

Levi X Reader=one-shots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now