🔘(rain) Levi x reader

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It was raining while we were having our expedition.

Me and the corporal were accidentally lost when we were fighting a titan.

Now... we were in a cave that was near a river.

I didn't know what to do cause now... we don't even know if how to get back.

I signed as I removed my uniform.

I squeezed out the water before hanging it on a branch.

"Umm... corporal... what would we do now?" I asked as I removed my boots and poured out the water from the inside of it.

"It don't know cadet... and drop the formalities... tch... we're alone" he said as he unbuttoned his shirt.

I turned around, not wanting to see his perfect built body...

Wait... what did I just say... perfect built body?

I just shook my head as I placed my boots in the corner and begun to unbutton my (f/c) shirt.

"The rain gotten worst" I signed as I looked out.

The sound of water, splashing hard into the ground, and the smell of wet surface makes me somehow, calm.

I slipped my shirt off and hung it with my uniform.

I took a deep breath and squatted. (Indian style sit)

"Its soo calm" I expressed, making my body relaxed as the rain goes on.

It was soo silent, and the only sound that could be heard was the splashing of water.

I closed my eyes and took the cold breeze pass through my (s/t) skin.

"What's your name cadet?" Suddenly, the corporal started.

I turned my torso to face him, and that made my gaze, immediately land on his abbs.

"U-ummm... (f/n), (f/n) (l/n)" I answered still looking at his perfect abbs.

"What are you staring at... cadet (l/n)" I snapped my eyes as I hear his deep scary voice echo through the cave.

"S-sorry Levi... I was just... um" I laughed nervously "nothing... sorry"

He clicked his tongue and got up.

I frowned as I watch him go to where ever he was to go.

"Umm... sir... where are you going?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Is your gear still okay?" He ask and I nod.

"How about the signal flares?" I stood up and walked towards my stuff and checked the flares.

"Its all wet but one is not... but it's color black" I said and I took the flare.

"We can still use that if the rain stops... so leave it there" he said and I nod.

I sat again and started to feel a little cold... though my clothes wasn't that dry yet.

I rubbed my self to gain a little warmth.

"Aren't you cold sir?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Tch... what do you think I am... a numb thing... of course I am" he answered and I just nod.

"It really is cold, and our clothes is not dry yet... maybe half way?" I looked at the corporal and he just crossed his arms.

"Lets just heat our body to not get sick" he said

"How?" I asked

"Come here" he ordered and I walked towards him.

"Sit here" he said and I sat beside him.

Levi X Reader=one-shots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now