🔮I'll see you again

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[5000+] words

It was a very boring Sunday, all alone and have no one to be with. Everyone whom I wanted to be with, was out for their vacation. And for me, I was stuck here at home, doing nothing but just breathing. A tv that doesn't even have anything to be called as entertaining to be watch. All was just soo off and nothing to be done. I was tiered of sleeping, every chores was done, and even school was non. And so, from too much boredom, I decided to do one of my hobby; drawing.

A mechanical pencil was what I was holding with a blank paper placed from the table in front of me. My mind searched for an image while I tap the lead on my chin. And when suddenly, one idea pop up like a bright bulb that  has been switch. And it sure was bright and clear, something that really makes me happy in every time I thought about him.

"I should draw him, his my anime crush after all," I smile from the image of my favorite anime character that was also, my crush. A fanfction character that even if how many times I  wished for him to come true, was impossible to ever be achieved, nor granted. Something that really makes me upset on thinking about it. It was just unfair that the one you really wanted to be with, was just a made up character that sure did caught my interest. He wasn't real and never will be. Sometime, I thought of life as a very unfair one.

Levi-my anime crush- was just really legit. He was just soo awsom and admiring. His personality was something that only few can have. The one that was hard to find and unpredictable. But what was the most I loved about him is his own, the way he is.

I really like his OCD problem and I had always dream to have a tutorial about cleaning from him. I just really hate that my mother, and others, tells me that I'm not cleaning that properly. Well yeah that's true, I wasn't that good at cleaning, I'm just lazy at it. And also, I wanted to be a good fighter, I'm really not that good if it comes to self-defense. I really hated myself from being weak.

"Uhg.... me and my self talk," I harshly rub my eraser on the charcoal that slowly smudge the whole area. I pouted from what I was just doing and crumpled the paper. I signed deeply taking anther clear sheet and placing it on the table. "Stupid fake erasers," I mumbled, standing up and throwing the rubber on the trash can. And from thinking of it,I decided to go from the bookstore and buy something that's not counterfeit.

~time skip~

"So... where's the one that could really be a good eraser," my eyes scanned from the different kinds of erasers, trying to envisaging it's textures. I picked up one of the Fibercastle and looked at it like I was making an investigation in a court.

Once that I got satisfied, I took another isle and look for more useful stuff. And as I reconnoitre every accessories from every shelves, one peculiar thing caugth my eyes. I slowly approached it but suddenly, a guy went pass me without even saying excuse me. I scoff from his unpleasant attitude and just took the thing I was caught interest of.
It was an hour glass, small but has the time that could last for months. It has the genuine materials that made it look much more imported. It has the size of my whole Palm with a sand dyed colored blue. This thing somehow made me want to buy it just because of its looks. Deceiving as if. But I didn't care much of my money if how much ever do this thing cost. I just really, really have the urge on buying it. Me and my unwise thinking a....

I flip it upside down to see the sand, starting to fall, but it was slow and weird to watch. "I'll buy this and see if how long will it last," I quickly flip it again making the sand fall back from the others.

I gently place all of the things I bought from the counter and waited for the cashier to inspect it's prices. But once it came from the hour glass, the computer somehow didn't find any of its price. The cashier got curious and asked her fellow cashier from the price of the souvenir. But also, it was still unseen on every document. This made me sign from taking them soo long to find it's price.

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