Twenty: Part Two

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This is going to be a happy chapter.

Also, I'm not ready for Harry's new single. Yikes.

Harry's POV

If I wasn't worried enough about the kingdom before, I sure as hell am now.

This "problem" or whatever it is has spread to a lot of people. Ellie thinks it's a plague but I'm not too sure. It just doesn't seem too reasonable. But then, it also seems like the only reasonable theory.

I've told the girls that they just need to be calm for today; it's my engagement today for Christ's sake. I want to be able to enjoy at least tonight and my wedding day without any worries.

"Harry, you bastard," a voice sassed. I turned around from my spot in my room to find my best friend, Louis, sauntering into my room with a frown on his face.

"What?" I mumbled, reaching for my suit jacket. He sighed and plopped down on my bed.

"Your betrothed is really making me sweat," he smirked, "saw her getting fitted for the dress the other day. She looked amazing."

"Easy mate," I sneered, "that's my girl you're talking about."

He shrugged before falling down into the bed and began to pick at his nails. Luckily for him, the virus hadn't affected him yet. But that's only because he's only here a select few days, as his home is on the outskirts of our kingdom. He also stays on our grounds most of the times so he hasn't really had time to explore the kingdom or the village.

"So," he sighed, "did you get anywhere with that disease?"

"Nope," I sighed, shrugging my jacket on, "and I don't wanna think about it so come here and help me get ready."


I stood at the entrance to the castle, waiting with my parents for the guests to arrive. I was supposed to be greeting them and telling them to have a nice time and whatnot. Eliana was to come down later, as her appearance was going to be more of a "surprise," to the guests. According to my mom, nobody actually knew what the princess looked like, except for people from her kingdom so this was going to be interesting.

Regardless of what they thought though, she was always going to be beautiful to me. Not that I'd tell her that; it would come off as a bit creepy.

I wasn't also going to tell her that my feelings for her had grown so much that I was starting to believe that I had fallen in love with her.

I'd tell her that later. Mainly because I wanted to be sure. I hadn't loved anyone since Valerie and while I knew that Eliana was completely different compared to Valerie, there was still a lingering fear. 

"Harry," mum said, "stand up straighter. And smile, pretend like you want to be here."

"I want to be with the princess," I mumbled, fixing myself up. Mum smiled at me as we stood near the doors and she sighed. My father was too busy conversing with the help to figure out extra arrangements.

"You can be with her later tonight when you have to dance," she said. I rolled my eyes and slouched in my spot, crossing my arms over my chest and pouting.

"Be nice to the guests Harold," she chided. I scoffed and mocked her silently to which she lightly slapped my arm. I snickered and scrunched my nose up as I looked at her. She simply gazed back at me with a smile.

"What," I asked.

"I'm happy that you're happy," she replied. My father turned and looked at us and smiled. He nodded to me and smiled at his wife before he turned towards the door. Soon enough, guests began to pour into our castle grounds and I began to wring my palms in anticipation.

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