I Was Enchanted To Meet You

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They aren't in a band in this part, yeah? :)

Drew's POV


Prom is in two weeks and I haven't asked anyone yet. Why? Because the person I like probably has a partner already. How lucky she is.

Yes, I meant to say 'she'
because I'm gay and I like guys boom

In your face

I'm kidding, I'm not out of the closet and I don't plan to come out any time soon. Only Austin, he's my best friend since we were kids, knows I'm gay. I'm really happy he didn't judge me, called me names or beaten me up.

He also knows who the love of my life is, it sucks Levi has to be straight though.

Even thinking about his name gives me shivers.

Sounds familiar? It's the one and only Levi Jones.

I got a chance to talk to him yesterday at school and was about to ask him out when his friend, I think his name was Nate? I don't know, already called him to head home.

Timing, ugh.

Now, I'm even scared to go near him, he might bring up what I was to say and act negatively. Thinking about him hating me makes my heart break and makes me feel really blue.

I love him.
For 2 years now, actually.

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

I think he has a girlfriend though, which is bothering me a lot since I always see her making out with one of the school's great basketball players. Gross.

I hope he finds out and dump her cheating ass.

Levi deserves better.
I could be his better one, but I can't.
He's straight and if he stays that way, things will stay that way.

I can't force someone to love me back.

I wanna tell him about my feelings but he's always with that Nate guy or with his other popular friends.

And there's also this thing called "rejection"

Nope, I'd rather keep my secret hidden than loose completely the person I love. I can handle it. I hope.

I fall deeper for him everytime I see him smile or laugh.


I stood up from the sofa, turned off the television and went to my room.

I grabbed my phone from the desk and sat on my bed.

2 unread messages. From Austin and an unknown number.. Okay..


That caught my attention. Confused, I opened Austin's text first.

Austin: Did you ask Levi already?  How did he react?

I replied with

I haven't. Calm down lol lucky you already got someone to go with:(

I left from our conversation while waiting for a reply and read the message from the unknown number.

Are you and your "little friend" in a relationship?

Seriously? No Hi or Hello? Who is this?

Who is this?
Read 16:34

Already? Okay.. I'm scared.

Your prom date bb;)

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