Time's Up

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Hi! The plot of this story is about the picture above/side.

If you guys can't see what it is, it's a like a personal clock that counts down to the moment you and your soulmate meets :)

Drew's POV:

Summer is ending soon and I hate it. I love it in a way too. I love when it comes to an end because the I can't take the heat like candle melts just by putting it outside in mid day! That's insane! I hate it because school's about to start again. Admit it, no one likes school. Not me.

I don't hate it because everyone else hates it too. No. I hate it because I'm new here and I know no one here. I don't know how people treat gay people here.

Oh yeah, I'm gay by the way. Locked in the closet and not bothering to get out.

I'll just chill in here until I feel it's the right time to out myself. Or... When the time on wrist counts down to zero.

My grandmother always tells me about the 'Tick Tock' when she was still alive. She said that the moment you were born, your Clock is already ticking.

Before, people thought it was counting down to your death but it wasn't. Everyone gets a little hysterical when their time is almost up. I mean.. We all should be, right? It's time that brings you and your soulmate together so it's really that surprising.

You can't do anything who fate brings.

There's a story within the Clock, though. If you reject your soulmate or if your soulmate rejects you, both of your Clocks will show a '-----days --h --m --s' like it's broken.

If your clock breaks, you'll be cursed with the Broken Fate.

Both of you won't be together because the other doesn't want to, but both of you will die at the same time and same place.

They say that this isn't true. A lot has rejected their soulmates because it's either they're matched with the same gender or they don't really want them.

Guess what, the curse was upon them after they rejected their soulmate. Some says the longest who lasted from the curse was three days.

Another thing my grandmother always tells me is that everyone has a digital clock on their wrists, counting down to the moment you meet the person you're meant to be with.

"Look at their wrist carefully. If it matches yours. You're theirs and they're yours." Said my grandma.

It's sad that it was her last words to me before she passed away.

If only you were here, grandma. I could use more advices.

At least you and grandpa are together again.

I miss you both.

Another thing, if the time's up, both of your Clocks will glow a golden color until you see another person with the golden glow.

When both of you meet. The Clock will fade away. Because time can't measure how long people could be together. After, it's up to the pair to live together. It's up to them. It's up to us.

Whoever my soulmate is. I hope it's a guy.

I know I'm gay so that means I'm matched with a gay guy too, right? I hope I don't end up with a chick because I don't wanna die at such a young age. No offense to the ladies, of course.

I'm really excited and am feeling very anxious because my time is ---3days 16h 43m -7s. Which means it's us who's next in line on the list.

I don't really have a clue since I don't get out of the house because I don't know anyone and I don't like the outside. Because it's filled with people I think I should stay away from.

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