N•1 Fan

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Hello again! Here's the second one I promised :)

This is inspired by the story N•1 Fan // Jonnor au by trxdleytwerk
Love that book so much! Go read it and check out her other works :D

Levi's POV

See, I have this tiny crush on my band mate, Drew. For a while now, two years and three months to be precise.

I'm actually in love with him already but he has a girlfriend, she's gorgeous, kind and caring. Everything Drew would never see in me, in that way.

I've been struggling to keep myself together. My other band mate, friend, brother, Austin Corini, knows about my feelings for Drew and has talked to me about it. Telling me to admit it to him but I couldn't. I know I'm going to be rejected. One, he has a girlfriend, two, he likes her a lot so he wouldn't just end what they have for me. Third, he's straight.

As a circle, I hope.

Since I couldn't flirt with Drew without him knowing anything suspicious, I made a twitter fan account.

Thank god he finally followed my fan account. After I got the notification, I started to DM him. He'd reply every now and then but with only a few words.

I'm just sitting in the corner, on Twitter, trying hard for Drew to notice my messages.

"Good morning, daddy!"
"Notice me!"
"I love you!"

Everytime I send an 'I love you' message, I become so aware. Like, I can feel the world around me. I don't know how, I don't know why.

I love it. I love it that way. I get to express my feelings, indirectly but real.

"Levi? What are you doing on the floor?" I looked up, forced a smile while closing my phone. "Nothing" I got up and went to my room.

Drew could be so blind sometimes but there's nothing I could do. I'm just a bro to him. I felt my heart drop and decided to sleep for a bit.

When I woke up, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was just 18:08. There was a notification and it was from Twitter! Yes! He noticed my message!

I quickly typed in my code, 3739. Stands for Drew's name.

"Hi! Thank you for the support and everything! I'm kinda busy at the moment and I'll talk to you soon! I love you too x"

The last part made my heart warm. I sighed happily. If you only knew.


If I'm going to flirt with him indirectly. I'm going to make the most of it. I closed my phone again and faced the other side. "You have a fan account?! What the fuck?!" Nate said, startling me, making me scream so loud and fall off the bed. "What the hell, Nate! How long have you've been in here?" I said angrily, getting up and grabbing my phone. "Nevermind that. Tell me why you're flirting with Drew" he said, smirking while laying down on one side like he was a model or something. "It-it's nothing! It wasn't D-drew! Get the shit out!" I stuttered, sitting on the bed. "Oh come on, Levi! I know what I saw and I know what you're feeling. Austin told me" I hate these two. "Fuck your boyfriend. He's lying to you" he breathed out and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Levi.. Just tell me" I grabbed a pillow and placed it on my lap. "I love Drew" I whispered, tearing up. Nate got up and hugged me. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, Levi. It's okay"
   "Thanks, Nate" he pulled away, smiling a little. "Get up, lazy ass. We're going out" and with that, he left the room.

Three months later, I'm still anonymous to Drew. He knows that I'm a guy but I never let him see my face.

He found out when we were casually talking and I "accidentally" sent a dick pic to him.

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