By Your Side

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I fucking love you all and sorry I haven't updated anything. I guess I was just lazy? Idk but I will be updating two chapters. I'll post the second one tomorrow :)


Levi's POV

Let's go out and be wild, do it while we can.

The love of my life finally found out about my feelings. He felt the same way. Yes, he. I love a guy. He's kind, smart, talented and so much more that it would take me a year to write everything I like about him.

We're together for three months but I feel like we've beem together for years now.

I feel safe around him. I feel free.

Runnin' free in the world, we got all weekend.

If given the chance, I would run away with him. Doesn't matter where, as long as I have him by my side.

We fought five times already in that three months. There's a lot of things I didn't knew about him and there are things he doesn't know about me. Things I just realized I could do.

They weren't bad things though. But only enough to learn about another person.

After every fights, every tears and fears, we would always make up in the end. Neither of us can do much without the other. We're like two puzzle pieces fit together in a world full of players who'd give up before finishing at least half of the puzzle.

Tear it up, tear it down
Gettin' lost in the sound of our hearts beating.

Drew and I may have a lot of misunderstandings but that doesn't make our relationship weaker. Instead, it makes it stronger. We always learn something new about one another everyday. We'd have fun like any other couples and don't give a crap on  what others would say. Their opinion doesn't matter to me because love has already won. It always had.

Take me here, take me now
Gettin' lost in a crowd with you.

We'd blend in the world like other people do. We're just a couple that has the same gender.

How wrong is that that some people would drive a gay person to death for being themselves?
See who's wrong? I'm not pointing at anyone, though. I'm sure we all know one.

Up, all night
I waited for you all my life
Hold my hand and keep me close
I'll never let you go.

Sometimes, you just gotta sort out your thoughts so you wouldn't be over thinking. It's hard at first but it wasn't. Like when Drew confronted me. I thought our friendship and everything we ever had has been shattered just because of that four letter word he found out. I thought that I'd go back to being alone but I didn't. He felt the same way, we were so happy that night, none of us had fallen asleep.

We kept each other company. Just laying in bed, cuddled, his arm around my waist, mine around his neck and the sound of the television in the background.

No, not tonight
Keep me By Your Side.

We always got each other's backs. We're a team, we're two people formed into a single entity. Entity that could do so much. Acting like a two person but thinks like one.

Scattered hearts, broken glass, I don't feel a thing.

Drew and I would do some crazy shit just for fun while making sure no one goes to jail. We'd run through glass walls, we'd enter private places but we'd never get caught. Not yet, at least.

Like I said, we're a team. We got each other's backs. I'm always by his side, he's always on mine. We're perfect for each other, honestly.

'Cause I'm frozen in time when you're next to me.

There are always times where we'd just have a lazy day, staying inside our apartment. Cuddling and watching movies. Time feels like it has slowed down or stopped when we're just hanging out together, not talking, not anything. Just enjoying the peace and quiet that's being shared. No heart pumping stunts, no loud arguments. Just getting lost in the sound of our hearts beating.

Tear it up, tear it down
Gettin' lost in the sound of our hearts beating.

Fighting or not, we love each other and non are strong enough to ignore the other for more than three hours.

Sometimes our families would say we're glued to each other for being so inseparable. We don't mind.

Take me here, take me now
Gettin' lost in a crowd with you.

Wherever we go, we always inform the other. It's not like we don't trust each other, we're just very protective and would worry quickly.

I trust Drew 100%
I trust him with all my life. He doesn't mean any harm. He'd never let a little cut get past him. He'd make sure I'm okay before doing whatever he's doing.

He's my personal doctor and I'm his personal chef. I cook most of our food while he just play with his video game thing instead of helping me but that it. We're used to it that way.

Up, all night
I waited for you all my life.

Since we're together now, it doesn't mean we already forgot about our friends. We're all chill, would hang out if everyone's available so no one would be left out.

Considering that out group only consists of four people. Drew, Nate, Austin and me.

We prefer not to be like others with thousands of friends who has only three real ones.

Hold my hand and keep me close
I'll never you go. No, not tonight.

We never look down on anyone and we don't praise rich students. We treat everyone equally. We don't base on how their life works or what are their forms of living. Be nice, we'll be nice. That's it.

Keep me By Your Side.

Here's the thing with Drew why we fight a lot. He gets jealous easily but lucky for him, I find it adorable, not annoying. I can see how he really likes me when some random guy would ask me directions or something.

We don't really need a lot. We got what we need. Who we need and they are all willing to help if something ever happens.

We'll never know. The world works so mysterious, good lucks and bad lucks just pops out from nowhere.

Here's a tip, stay aware but don't let it get to you. Have fun and enjoy life.

"Hey, Drew?"


"Remember fifteen years ago? When you confronted me about my feelings"
"Every word." he smiled.

"Every word." I repeated but whispered it to myself.

"Thank you for saying yes, Levi" he grabbed my hand, lacing it with his.

"I always knew we'd get married and grow old together someday" I smiled at him.

Since Drevi are YouTubers now and are constantly asking what to film, what if we let dare them to read Drevi fanfictions? ;)))
I think it would be great and I wanna see their reactions lol


Yay! I'm still alive.

How was this part? Idk

As promised, I'll be posting another part tomorrow. Bye ♡

Also, this part was inspired by my favorite song, By Your Side by Jonas Blue ♡ okay bye

As usual, vote and share your thoughts!


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