My Happy Ending

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Also, this isn't going to be the last chapter due to the title lol just a reminder.

Drew's POV

I was hanging out with Levi in our house. Enjoying a cold Friday night, watching Netflix with a lot of sodas and snacks and all that stuff.

And by our house, I mean OUR house.

Levi and I had been married for 7 years now.

We have a son, Luis Drevi. Luis was Levi's idea and Drevi was our ship name, my idea. Sounds cute to be left out.

Luis Drevi Dirksen.

My very own family.

He mostly looks like Levi since they both have curly hairs.

He's 5 years old now and I love him as much as I love Levi.

They're my everything. They're my life. I'll do everything I can to keep my family away from harm.
It wasn't easy for us to get married.

After his parents found out we were dating, they kicked him out.  I took him in and lived in an apartment not far from town.

We had a few problems for the first few weeks after moving in but soon got used to it that life felt like normal.

It was relaxed like it finally did what fate told life to do.

We were happy.

After a few years of being together, I proposed to him.

When his parents found out that we were getting married in 7 months, they freaked out.

His dad went psycho that he almost shot Levi.

I stepped in front of him before the bullet hits him.

I was in the hospital for two weeks.

Levi never stopped crying that he might lose me but I wasn't going to let that happen.

I promised to marry him and I will.

Nothing is going to stop us since we're already engaged.

But the shot wasn't going to kill me since I got shot on my left arm. They apologized over and over that they had a change of heart. They accepted Levi the way he is, they accepted me, they accepted and supported our relationship and decisions.

They gave us blessings.

We got married, made love on Paris and became parents by the age of twenty seven.

Levi gave birth a week before my birthday. I was beyond happy after Levi gave birth.

I have a family.

The family I can call my own.

The people thay completed my life. They made it whole.

I was content.

I have a good job that pays well.

Levi works from home so that we don't need to hire a baby sitter.

We live in a good house, not a big one but in a satisfying one. It was always warm, always filled with happiness and love.

It was perfect.

Sometimes his family would come over.

Sometimes mine would.

Sometimes both.

His family and my family would get together once in a while since both were pretty busy.

Last time the whole family was complete was last Christmas.

Everyone got gifts. We had a big meal. Everyone was happy.

It made me happier. Everyone was getting along, bonding and having a great time.

After Luis' fifth birthday, Levi told me he was pregnant. I was so happy, I ditched work and stayed at home and did everything Levi normally do.

He sat on the living room while I clean everything and hand him whatever he needs.

I never regret ditching work.

My husband needs me more and I am willing to lose everything I have, for Levi.

After a few months we went to visit the doctor.

We were having a baby girl.

Levi was so happy since he's been expecting a daughter.

And yes, he named her already. Ashley Jordan.

I didn't have a problem with it. As long as he's happy, I am too.

Now, back to present time, we were watching Netflix and blah blah blah. "Babe! The movie's over! Hey" Levi half yelled, half whispered Since Luis is already asleep on his arms while waving his left hand on my face. "Oh, sorry babe. Just spaced out" I smiled at him, got up from the couch and switched off the television.

We were walking towards Luis' bedroom. Me, leading the way down the hall and opening the door. He went inside and tuck him in bed. After he got out of the room, I quietly closed the door and we went to our bedroom.

I opened the door, let him in first and closed it. We lay on our bed, facing each other, his baby bump visible through my shirt. Yes, he likes to wear my clothes and I let him.

It suits him.

"How's my baby girl in there?" I said, smiling widely while rubbing his stomach. His hand went to my cheek, caressing and I leaned into his hand. Feeling his warmth.

I like things this way. The world's quiet while we're whispering to each other like someone's listening.

"She's doing fine, about to meet the world in 3 more months" Levi said, smiling widely, showing off his teeth. I smiled back. "Yes, she will and we'll be there for her and Luis along the way" I said, hugging him. Keeping a distance between us so I don't hurt his stomach. His left arm went to right shoulder, keeping me close. My right hand on his stomach.

I was about to fall asleep when our bedroom door opened. "Papa, daddy?" Luis said, rubbing his eyes with his right hand, his left hand is holding on to his teddy bear's arm. "What's up, love? Why are you still up?" Levi got up gently, waving for us to climb on the bed. I also got up. "What's wrong, bud?" I asked, smiling at him while ruffling his hair. "I can't sleep" Luis said, pouting. "You can sleep with us tonight, you know that right?" Levi said, rubbing Luis' arm gently. "Yes, thank you, papa" Luis said, yawning and falling asleep instantly.

Oh yeah! He calls, Levi, papa, he calls me, Daddy.

Sometimes, Levi also calls me daddy.

We chuckled softly. Levi lay back down, before I did too, I kissed Levi on the lips and kissed Luis on his forehead.

"I said this before and I'm going to say it again..." I started "I'm eternally grateful that I have you as my husband and I will do everything in my power to make you happy" I said, blushing and in a serious mode.

He was also blushing, but deeper. "I will also do the same. I will forever cherish this bond and I will do everything to keep this family whole. I'm not letting any of you go. I love you" he said, caressing my cheek again. "and I love you too" I said, also caressing his cheek. "My happy ending" I added and smiled.

"Goodnight, Levi" I said, yawning. "Goodnight, love" Levi said. "I love you"

"Goodnight papa and daddy"

I thought about this part this morning and I found it really adorable and now it's the new chapter <3

you're welcome lol

I think this is a short one? Idk

But at least there was an update:)) and I had a little trouble making up names for their children lol no idea why

As usual, vote and share your thoughts! Bye!

-LeviCurls ♡

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