Stalker? Oh, Wait.

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I didn't get to update yesterday or the day after, oops. My bad:))))

This is part texting one shot btw. Enjoy!

Drew's POV:

I'm going to slap someone right now.

By someone, I mean Nate.

Why? Because he gets to cuddle with Levi! I don't like it.

Yeah yeah, I like Levi 'like that' because what's not to love? He's a god! A god who doesn't have abs but is really attractive and I'm going to scream any minute now.
I shouldn't have suggested to watch a movie.

"Drew!" Austin called me. He was laying down on the sofa where I'm seated on but his legs were on my lap.

I raised a brow. Not really in the mood to talk. "Cuddle me" he said, making room for me - which wasn't any good since the sofa wasn't big - and he's holding out his arms to envelope me in.

Maybe I shouldn't... I mean Levi... Maybe he'll get jealous and throw Austin out the window and fuck me on the spot.

Hmmm. Maybe I will!

I moved his legs and laid down next to him. We're basically spooning and I'm the little spoon. Which doesn't really matter since I'm a bottom if I'm in a relationship with any of these idiots.

Except for Levi.

Oh, wait. He is an idiot!

My idiot. With a little heart emoji.

"You're warm" Austin said, cuddling me tight, not too tight but keeps a firm grip on me.

Why wouldn't Levi be like that! Omg.

But I swear to god, I saw him glanced and glared at Austin but probably that was just in my head? I don't know.

Throughout the evening, Levi would glance every now and then and roll his eyes and look back to watching the movie.

What even is this? It's about kids with peculiar powers and some lady that turns into a pigeon. I think it's a pigeon. I'm not really good with birds.

After the movie, Nate was already asleep and so was Levi.

I turned to Austin.

Bad idea! Abort the mission!

Our face were so close! Oh my god!!

I moved a bit and fell off the sofa.  At least no one saw that. Apparently, I'm the only one awake.

I turned off the tv and looked at our mess.

I'll clean it in the morning. I sighed and looked at the two on the love seat.

I squinted my eyes. Hmm. Aha!

I got and idea!

I carried, slash, dragged Nate towards the sofa and layed him down, facing Austin.

I put Austin's arm around Nate's waist and Nate's arms by Austin's neck and chest.

They're gonna flip by morning.

I bit by hand to hold back the laugh that was going to be so loud that you can hear it from LA.

Now, time to bed.

No! Wait. I'm going to take a picture of those two and post it on Instagram.

I went back to the sofa and pulled out my phone from my back pocket.

My eyes went wide, I fell earlier. I didn't tucked my phone in my pocket. Which means...

It was in my pocket the whole time!

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