I Remembered

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You guys!! We're so close to 1k reads and I'm freaking out!! This really lightens up my mood thank you!! I love you readers so much! ♡♡♡

Levi's POV

I'm at the park, at ten in the evening.

It's peaceful. It clears up my clouded mind for a while. It makes me feel calm.

Life is great but not all the time. It always finds a way just to put you in a bad mood, just to make su miserable, just to make you feel blue.

I'm sitting on one of the benches, covering my face with my hands. I'm not crying, though. Not yet. I just feel depressed and I don't want to cut just to make me feel numb. I did it before but now I don't. Drew stopped me.

He's also the reason why I'm depressed. I'm in love with him but he doesn't have a clue. I'm trying to flirt with him -not in a sexual way but enough to give him a hint that I like him- he never gets it.

He acts like I never get hurt. I conceal my emotions when I'm in public because I don't want anyone thinking I'm weak. But when I'm alone, my thoughts dig deep and anytime I'd find myself crying.

It's the same thing over and over again. I'm exhausted fighting by myself.

I can't keep my emotions together for long. I need someone. I don't know who. But someone who understands.

Drew finally got the girl he always wanted. They've been together for only a few hours. When I received Drew's text saying he's got a girlfriend, my heart stopped, my emotions left me and I dropped my phone. I snapped back to reality after a few minutes. After that trance, I picked up my phone. Reading the text over and over. Just to make sure.

But it was there. I wasn't imagining anything.

My chances were thrown away but I have another battle. It's keeping my emotions to myself. I can't do this anymore... But I have to. For me.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and turned it on. I forgot to change my lock screen. It's a selfie of me and Drew, his arms around me, smiling warmly to the camera and there was me with a shocked expression. To him it doesn't mean anything but to me it's everything.

I changed it to something else but I didn't delete it. That picture means so much to me, I'm sure it's never going to happen again especially now since he's got a girl.

After changing it. I looked at his message again. I just stared at it, the longer I stare, the more my heart rips into two.

Levi!! Guess what bro! Danielle and I are together! ❤👸

Two of my teardrops fell on my phone screen. I wiped it and put it back in my pocket.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a walk. Head hanging low, deep in thoughts again.

How? What did she do to make you admire her a lot? What's with her that you can't find in me? How can you be oblivious?

I've been walking for a while, so when I found another bench, I sat on it. Covering my face again.
This part of the park is a good place to think and not be seen properly since it's a little dark.

If I told you I lov- like you? Would you feel the same? Would you forget about the things we've been through? Would you leave me?

My phone ringed. Who on earth is on the right mind to call me at eleven in the night?

Who's on the right mind to be alone at the park at the dead of night? I thought to myself.

I reached in my pocket to retrieve my phone... this is unexpected... It's Drew. What does he want? I was about to answer when the call ended. That was rude! I'm debating whether to call him back or not. I decided I should.

Before I even get to unlock my phone, a message has arrived. Also from Drew.

I frowned. Please stop breaking my heart... Please.

I read the message on the lock screen.

Hey, bro? Where are you? I came over and your mom said you said you w...

Great, a long message. I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone. Damn. It really is a long message.

Hey, bro? Where are you? I came over and your mom said you said you were at my place and now everyone's worried bc it's already late and no one knows where you are. Call me or at least reply... Please. Everyone is really worried, your mom's about to call the cops if you weren't home before twelve. I told them you're safe, hopefully you are and I'm still looking for you. Call me please.

I was so caught up, I never realized it was that late even though I've been checking my phone's watch. I left home at eight and I don't know anymore... It's already 23:09

I don't really want to talk to Drew right now so I just texted my mom that I'm alright and tell Drew to stop looking for me and I don't want to talk to him for a bit. Sending. Sent.

I put my phone back again. Now what? I was about to walk home when I heard a voice. Drew's voice. Oh no. I hid behind a tree.

I heard his footsteps moved away from where I was and he either stopped yelling my name or he's really far. Good enough. I don't want to see him. I don't want to fall deeper in love. The more I fall, the more I get hurt. I'm not letting that happen to me.
I tried to run quickly as I can. "Levi! Wait!" oh shit. He saw me. I ran faster. Tears started falling from my eyes. Please stop, please stop. I can't do this again. "Wait!" he yelled again, his footsteps coming closer and closer.

He caught up and grabbed me by my arm. "Let me go!" I yelled, tears still falling down. "Hey... What's wrong?" he asked, while loosening his grip on my arm. I tried to pull away. "Please, let me go" I whispered. He didn't, though. He just stood there, holding my arm, making me feel those tingly sensation. "Please..." I stopped thrashing and just stood, head hanging low. "What's wrong bro?" Bro... The only thing I'll ever be to him. "It doesn't matter, Drew! Please let me go! You're hurting me!" He wasn't, I just wanted him to let me go and lock myself in my room. "Tell me. Now! Dammit!" He yelled, getting angry, tighten his grip again. "Drew. Loosen your grip please! You're really hurting me!" he let me go, red marks form in the shape of a hand. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Levi!" he said and hugged me, comforting me... Like he always should. I cried more. "Please tell me what's wrong?" he said, rubbing my back. I sighed. Goodbye friendship. I felt my heart dropped. Well, it's shattered alright, no use for holding back now. "I'm in love with you, Drew. I wasn't brave enough to tell you before because I know I'll never have a chance! I'm tired of fighting my emotions! I can't do this anymore! I understand if you want to leave" I said, pulling away from him completely. "I don't want to feel anything anymore. I'm done. I'm sorry for ruining our friendship." I was about to run away when he grabbed my arm again. "I love you more, babe!" he kissed me. I was shocked to even register what was going on. I pushed him away. "Stop! I'm not letting you do this to your girlfriend!" I said, wiping my mouth, acting like I didn't liked it. I didn't, really. I loved it! I wanted more but I can't. "I ended things with her an hour ago. She was okay with it and knows that I love you that's why she agreed to end it" he explained. Caressing my cheek. "I love you, Levi"
"I love you too, Drew"

"And that kids is how your daddy and I became together." I said to our adopted kids. We were telling stories by the fireplace. "and we'll be together. Forever" Drew said, hugging me from behind and speaking dramatically. "That was sow saad" Matt, our 3 year old said. "But sweet! I love you dad and papa!" Ashley, our 5 year old said. "And we love you, kids" I said, kissing their heads goodnight. "Forever and ever"

"You remembered, huh?" Drew asked, smirking. We were already cuddling on our bed. "I remembered" I agreed and kissed him goodnight.


That was it! Thank you guys so much for getting this to over 900 reads! Love you all!

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