The Blind Kid

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This one's inspired by the video I found on YouTube.

The Gabriel and Leo one <3

They were so cute and even tho I can't understand what they're saying!!!

You can watch one (video at the top/side)

Enjoy! I know I did <3

Also, I don't know a lot about it so I'm just gonna take some scenes and write a different story:)

Levi's POV

It's not easy being blind.

I can't see, first of all.

Second, I'm clueless when it comes to talking to someone.

I can't tell what they look like, I can't judge them.

But I can hear properly and clearly.

By the tone of their voices, I can already tell if they're nice or not.

Third, since I can't write due to my situation, I use a typewriter instead.

It's easier.

At least I have a friend who always guide me whenever we're walking. He's not like the other students. Judgement and posers. Acting like they're the most relevant people on earth.


Now, we're already in class.

I sat on the chair where my typewriter was and Austin sat four o'clock from me, directional.
"Okay, class!" Mr. Mendes started.

"You have a new classmate today, please be nice and treat him like how you treat your friends, yeah?" he added. A new classmate? Who? I hope he's nice "Please come in Mr. Dirksen, there's an empty seat behind Levi. You can occupy that space, right there" I can feel his pointing behind me.

I am the only Levi in this class, right? I don't know

"Thank you sir" this 'Mr. Dirksen' said.

His voice is very comforting.

I can already feel that we're going to be good friends, that is, if he talks to me.

I frown.

I heard the chair behind me creaked. Well, I really am the only Levi in this class that's for sure.

"Why is he using a typewriter?" I heard him say. Not in a harsh way, no. He asked politely like he wanted to get to know me.

I wanna get to know him!

I was about to say something when I heard Austin's voice. "He's blind but even in that situation, he do things perfectly like the rest of us" Aww Austin is such a great friend! He always stick up for me. "Oh. That's very unfortunate" I can tell he's frowning just by thr tone of his voice.

A few minutes later, I was typing away when I felt someone tapped me on my shoulder. "Hey.. Um.. Levi?" he asked in a sweet tone.

I'm already liking this guy! I can tell he's not going to be like the others and I don't even know what his name is!

Yes! I'm gay! Shut up!

"What's up?" I asked. "Um.. Do you have an eraser?" he said. Awww. First day and he already forgot something! How sweet...

I'm being sarcastic again!! I'm sorry!!

"Uh.. Yeah" I let my hand roam around the desk until I felt the eraser "Here you go" I reached it out foe him to grab.

He took it from my hand "Thanks, bro" he said and I went back to what I was doing.

After classes, Austin and I stayed until everyone already left. It's like a stampede, I'll get into it.

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