Happy Valentine's, Baby

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Hi! Happy Valentine's Day my pretty lil readers! Enjoy! ❤

Levi's POV

It's been like a year!

A year of what?

A year of Drew flirting with me and acting all couple-y but almost every end of the day, he'll say 'You're my best friend.'

Like, stop playing with my feelings, you dirt bag!

I've grown feelings for him since the second month he has been flirting with me or whatever. I thought he meant every 'I love you' and every 'you're my world' he said. I guess not.

I thought I'd move on easily but nope! He keeps coming for me, building me up every start of the day and breaking me down at the end.

He makes me feel all these things that no one else has. He makes me feel special.

I am special to him. A special friend.

That's all I ever am to him... And I was stupid to think that we would be more than friends! I don't like that!

Why is this happening to me? For being gay? I haven't even told anyone about my sexuality.

Drew. Sweet, Drew. You make me fall for you everyday even more. And I hate it! I hate that you're the only one who could make me feel like this! But don't mean any of the things you say! You're the reason why I have tear marks every night on my face but I'll never tell you that.

By now, it's already one in the morning but I still can't blink a sleep.

I'm just thinking bout you.

I rolled to my side and picked up my phone.

Wednesday, 14 February

Oh. It's Valentine's Day. Apparently, not my day.

I rolled my eyes and breathed out.

I got up from my bed and went down the kitchen for some water.

I got a cup, filled it with water, drank and just left it on the table. I made my way back to my room.

I almost tripped over the steps while coming back up to my room. See? Not my day.

I sighed. I hate Valentine's Day.

I flopped down on my bed and tried my best to get some sleep.

I did sleep, not much but It was a little better, cried myself to sleep thinking how my future would be knowing I'm just a 'special friend' to the person I'm in love with.

When I woke up, it was around eight or nine in the morning.

I feel nothing but hunger.

I picked up my phone and went downstairs.

There's a note on the table, under the cup I drank from last night... Or a few hours ago.

Me and your dad went out with his family. We'll be gone for the whole day, we'll be back around eight. I didn't bother to wake you up since you made it "obvious" yesterday- I chuckled and continued reading. -that you didn't want to come along. Stay safe, my baby and please don't burn the house trying to cook. Love you, happy Valentine's day! I made you breakfast before we left
P.s. Please stop crying yourself to sleep :) Talk to me, okay?"

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