Cute In A Suit

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Hi Hi Hi Hi! I've been gone for almost a month now, oops. I'm sorry lol.

I'll try to update again tomorrow. I love you all!!!!

Levi's POV:

It's been months. I think he doesn't know that I always catch him staring at me.

Not in a creepy way but in a way that could really make you think... Like which family member of yours did I kill?

I'm kidding! Oml.

Anyways, he always stares at me.

I don't have a problem with it, he is a good looking person and a very kind one.

He's the type of guy that every girl and some guys would want to be with.

But he's not even gay...

Can you hear that? My heart slowly cracking? It's cracking.

I know, you'd be like 'you haven't even talked to him, why would your heart break?'. It's like this, I always get flustered when I catch him staring at me and it has been going on for months now. But neither one of us has the urge to talk or make the move.

It's embarrassing. Especially if in the end, he really isn't gay and it was just coincidences.

I sighed.

Another thing, is that he's in MOST of my classes.

There were also times when I catch him staring, he'd seductively blink, like slowly opening and closing his eyes. He'd even look away and flex a little bit, then look at me again.

It might be weird for others, but to me it's cute.

He doesn't have huge muscles but he's not skinny, too. He has a fair body build and he is really tall like what the fuck.

Also, we did small talks from time to time. But not enough to be called a conversation.

I don't think he's playing with my feelings because he isn't the type of guy to play on someone. Especially to people who likes him like that.

My best friend, Ally, knows that I like Drew Dirksen.

That bitch almost outed me to the whole school.

It was a Thursday morning, we were in English class. There was no teacher, for some reason I never want to know. Ally and I were talking about the plans for the weekend, then Drew tapped my shoulder, who I didn't even noticed walking up to us. He asked for something, I picked up my bag and hand it to him.

It was a stapler, don't ask why I keep staplers in my backpack.

Then, when he was about to go back to his chair, which is across from us, Ally called him back and almost told him that I have feelings for the guy. Luckily, Ally was just playing and teasing me but what she said still embarrassed me.

"Drew! Say hi to Levi, over here."

I looked at her, wide eyed.

But the look on his face was so adorable, he raised both of his hands and waved to get my attention to wave a hello. His right holding two papers and his left holding my stapler.

I didn't want to ignore him so I also raised both of my hands, just by my chest and waved, flustered. Very flustered.

Because of that, it gave me a lot of hope. Hope that he was gay and that he's interested in me.

Well, a few days later, all hope I had left my body. Making me feel helpless and wanting to kill myself.

Why? Well, there was this photo booth set up in the hallways. You can take pictures for free, either with your friends, your girlfriend or boyfriend. Or if you're so into Instagram, you can take a picture alone.

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