Hey, Levi...

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Hello again! Lol ♡

Levi's POV

It's been a full year since Drew decided to take a break from our relationship.

I never knew what his reason was. He ignored everything about me. It's like he doesn't have a clue that I exist.

It really hurts. I loved him, I still do but I don't even know anymore! He acts like I'm invisible!

I have a clue why he broke up with me though. It's that bitch Claire.

A psycho-chick who spreads rumors that are legitimately not true. She acts like she knows everything but in reality she knows nothing besides opening her legs.

Stupid slut.

Sleeping with almost all guys at school. Including Drew. Probably the reason why he dumped me and he's always with that evil witch.

I still remember every word he said when he broke up with me. Even the date when he ended our relationship.

It was the fourteenth of February. Valentine's Day.

Couldn't have picked a worst time to end a relationship.

It was a romantic evening. We were on a date because why not? I noticed that he's always fidgeting in his seat like he's sitting on stones. He looks so nervous like we were just getting to know each other and when I was about to ask him something. BAM. Relationship. Over. Thrown in the trash like it was nothing.

"Hey, Drew?" I started. "Are you alright? You keep fidgeting and you haven't eaten your salad" I looked at him, worried. "I...um.." he stuttered. "You what?" I asked. More worried and confused. "I'm so-sorry, Levi... But.." he stuttered again. I'm just sitting here, keeping myself together, hoping he wouldn't say the words I'm thinking of.

"We have to break up" he said and got up his chair. I felt my heart dropped to the floor and went to the center of the earth.

He left the restaurant, leaving me emotionless. There was nothing else I could do. I got up, left and went to Nate's house.

I was running and crying, I couldn't feel my heart anymore, I can't feel anything anymore.

Like my soul also left my body.

I'm left to handle things by myself even though there's a lot of people I can always talk to. But I don't want to be a burden to them. That's why I just cried in my best friend's bathroom and let it happen.

Now, looking back to it. I should've said: "Goodbye. Thank you and I'm sorry for something I didn't do. If you're with someone else and didn't end well. Fuck you"

But I wasn't strong. I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself.

Not anymore.

If he's not talking to me, we're not going to talk at all. I'm not gonna be his Milo to ask attention from him, I'm going to be me and I'm no longer interested.

If we're done. We're done. Goodbye, Drew. Hope you don't regret your decision.

Back to the present, summer vacation is coming up soon and since it's Valentine's Day, me and Nate ditched school and went on a date. We aren't a couple, though. We're like the boys version of "Sisters From Another Mister" kind of thing.

We're just enjoying ourselves and right now, we're in Starbucks, drinking our coffee, eating and just talking about the fun times we had.

"So, how are you and Austin?" I asked, taking a sip. "We're cool but I'm close to being done with him. He cheated on me 7 times already and said he 'didn't mean it'" he said frustratingly while doing the quotation marks gesture. "Figured" I said, taking a sip again. "You should end the thing between you two already. You've been loyal to him for 7 months and he's nothing a fucking cheater!" I said. "I just realized something else too, you guys are together for just 7 months and he cheated on you five times already! Damn... "

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