For You

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Hey you guys! ❤

Sorry I was gone for a few months :( I was just so uninspired lately and had loads of work to do and I wasn't even gonna update yet, buuut Happy birthday to this book! It's been a full year, wow :D Thank you guys for staying this long with me and Drevi, you are all the best omg 😭❤ In celebration, here's an update! ♡♡

Also, thank you so much for 3.77K Reads!

I've news for you all at the very end, so stick around. :)

Levi's POV:

Here I was, playing with my guitar, in my room.

I'm on the floor, trying to write a song for the love of my life, Drew.

But here's the thing, we're not a couple. We're just friends. Well, to him... To me, I wish we were something more. It hurts when he talks about dating someone because I know he's never gonna mention my name on his interests.

Why? Because we've been friends for so long, to him, it's wrong. Plus, we're both guys! The other's straight and the other is me. Yes, I'm gay, for Drew Dirksen.

He's just so good looking, kind, has a heart of gold. He's perfect.

I grabbed my pencil and scribbled some lyrics I thought of on the paper that's filled with crossed out sentences that I thought would be good to write for him, but it wasn't. So here I am again, writing more.

It's all worth it, even though he'd never feel the same about me.

Sickeningly sweet like honey
Don't need money
All I need is you

I smiled to myself and tried to work out it's chords on the guitar.

After a couple of minutes of writing, my phone vibrated and lit up, telling me someone messaged me. I grabbed it and checked the time first.

1:43 am

Holy cow. My eyes went wide. I've been working for almost five hours on this already! Wow.

After checking the time, though, I read who texted me at this time of hour.

Drew 👑
Levi? You still up bro?

Bro. Ouch.

I frowned and opened the message. I replied with, "Yeah bro. What's up?"

Not even two minutes has passed my phone lit up again.

"Can I come over? I have something on my mind, been bugging me for a while now."

Something that's bugging him for a while now? Probably gonna talk about that blonde girl we saw and he was staring at when we were out for lunch.

"Back door is open"

Even though it hurts to talk to the person you like about someone they like, we couldn't be selfish.

We are friends. I have to always be there for him, since the only relationship I could ever have with him is friendship. Nothing more, and there's nothing I could do.

I went back to writing only to realize that Drew doesn't live far and if he sees me on the floor doing something, he's gonna ask and I'm gonna end up admitting my feels that will never be returned. Can't risk our friendship.

When I heard footsteps from outside, I frantically got up, threw my phone on the bed, threw everything else under the bed and laid down so when he enters my room, he'll see me doing nothing suspicious.

I hear footsteps coming closer, I hear the door knob turning and the opening and closing of doors.
I turned to face him, he's standing by the door, removing his jacket and placed it on a chair. "Hey, bro". He faced me, smiling timidly. Don't bro me, you fork. "Hey, Drew. What's got your mind so clouded?" I asked, making room on my bed for him to lay down on.

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