Xingese in Rush Valley

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Your POV:

We had to make a stop at Rush Valley because Ed broke his automail again. When we fought with Greed, his automail got a bit busted. But, who could blame him. We also found out that Al got his memory back from the truth gateway. It didn't help us sadly.

We got off the train to Rush Valley. I hope Ed doesn't die. Winry loves to throw wrenches at Ed every time he breaks his automail. I sigh at Ed.

"I hope Winry doesn't kill you." I said to Ed.
"Believe me. The only thing I'd want thrown at my head is a pillow." Edward replied.

I look at him for a second and start laughing. A pillow? That will still hurt in a way.

"A pillow would still hurt." I said.
"It was an expression. I don't want anything thrown at my head. Period." Ed replied while walking.

I look at him once again.

"Al are you alright?" I asked.
"I got my memory back, but it didn't help. We've made no progress." Al told me.
"Yeah I know. Sometimes life will shoot you away from any leads. It's overcoming those obstacles that help us move on."

I then saw a blush tinge on Al. Is he blushing. I don't think a metal suit is supposed to blush.

We finally get to the shop Winry works at now. She was carrying some boxes in when she spotted us. She ran over happily.

"So Ed, did you come to see me?!" Winry asked.
"Well about that..." Ed said while smiling worriedly, when he held up his arm.

Winry's smile stayed. But, her eyes were turning red, and her face was getting darker.

And, now we are sitting in the repair room, with Ed's head being beat bloody by a wrench.

"What did you do this time Ed?!" Winry asked furiously.
"I was being reckless again." Edward replied.
"This is the best repair I can do for now. I have to get some parts. Don't do anything stupid."

Winry left while a tick mark appeared. Well, we need something to do.

"Hey! Let's look around!" I announce.
"Fine. Your lucky your my friend." Edward said, while blushing.

We start to walk around town. More like Al stops.

"Is it another stray Al?" Edward asked.
"Well," Al replies, while holding up a boy with a long ponytail and weird clothes.
"Food..." the guy said.

The next thing that happened was that we fed the guy.

"Ohh! That was good. Thanks a lot! Your treat right?" The guy asked.
"And who said I was paying?" Edward asked.
"Oh right. It's unbelievable that I'm being treated this nicely in this country!"

I look at him weirdly.

"Where are you from?" I asked.
"I'm from Xing. And to get here, I passed through the Xerxes ruins." He told me.
"Wait. Did you say Xerxes ruins?!"

He opened his eyes then shut them. He looked like he was suspecting someone.

"Yes. I was just wanting to go that way to learn more Alkahestry." The guy said.
"What is Alkahestry?" Ed and Al ask in a unison.
"Well it's kinda like what people call in your country, Alchemy."

I look at him and he looks back at me and winks. What is that supposed to mean?

"It's also used in the medical field. We use it to heal people." The guy said.
"Can you tell us more?! It might be a way to get our bodies back!" Edward said.
"Wait, your Alchemists?"
"Yep! I'm the Full Metal Alchemist, Edward Elric!"
"State Alchemist? Hmmmm. I'm very lucky!"

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