Homunculus in a Jar

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Your POV:

We were walking back to the Aspec Village with Envy in his tiny form.
I sighed lightly, thinking about the situation I was in earlier.

From the distance, I saw Yoki pointing at us, and Winry was sitting with a little Ishvalan girl. It was the same girl Winry had been spending time with this morning hanging clothes on a clothes line. Winry ran up to us with a look of worry on her face.

"Doctor Marcoh! Are you ok?! What happened?!" Winry asked, bombarding us with questions.

Marcoh just laughed a little bit. Yoki then noticed the little homunculi in Scar's hand.

"Ugh. What's that?" Yoki asked.
"It's a homunculus." I said.
"What is that?"
"It's pretty much an artificial human that could never die. I guess you could say we put one in its place for the time being."

Scar was letting Yoki see the homunculus. He was observing it really carefully.

"Ooooh. I can't believe you guys would keep me in the dark about this." Yoki said in awe.

Yoki then got down a bit to match Scar's hand. He giggled a little bit, placing his hands on his hips. He then placed his hand near the tiny thing as if he were gonna flick him.

"That's what you get for picking a fight with us humans, grotesque tadpole." Yoki said, while while flicking Envy.

I sweat dropped and headed to where Winry, May, Al, Jerso, and Marcoh were.

"Look at you. Why would you do something so dangerous?" Winry asked sadly.
"Because I had to. I've always done what I was told to do. I had to take a risk and think for myself this time. I put my fear aside and did what was right. I wanted to be like your parents." Marcoh explained.

Winry stayed silent for a minute. The small frown that was prominent on her face turned into a small smile.

"You were. But try not to be so reckless." Winry said.
"Sure." Marcoh replied.

We all suddenly heard Yoki scream. I came closer to Yoki, but not too close. I saw that Envy was biting his finger. I saw blood staining the snow white glove. Yoki started running around screaming, trying to get Envy off his finger.

(Envy bit my finger 😂😂😂😂)

Yoki then fell onto the snow covered ground. May, Winry, Jerso, Al, and Marcoh gave a confused look.

"Mr. Yoki?" May asked.
"Help. Get it off me." Yoki said while crying.

I looked and saw that Envy was biting his neck, and weird green vein things were also on his neck.

"Hahaha. I hijacked this idiot's body." Envy said in his high pitched voice.

Marcoh's eyes widened and he then narrowed them. It was obvious that he was getting angry.

"Stop it! Let go! Somebody help me! I can't control your body!" Yoki screamed.

Yoki was doing many poses, one of them being the Egyptian style.

"That's right, you can't. Now if you want him to live then you'll do as I tell you." Envy said once again in a high pitched voice.

Envy then made Yoki do some sort of dance move it was weird.

"Nah, he's all yours. You can do what you want." Jerso said.
"Yeah. It's not like he's our friend or anything." Zampano said, agreeing with Jerso.

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