Scar's Brother's Notes

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Your POV:

Once we went inside of the tunnels after we played along with the plan Winry came up, I stayed silent. My mind was so full of thoughts.

'I can't just hide and do nothing!' I thought to myself.

We kept on walking. The only time I actually listened to a conversation, was when the two Chimaeras were bickering about their families. I laughed a little at that.

(I'm sorry if this seems dull. I'm trying to skip over the last episode called Daydream.)

"This place is like a maze." The one I think is Jerso says.
"Try not to get separated." The one think is Zampano says.
"Okie! Alright!" May Chang says while smiling.

I then look at Winry, who trips over something.

"Winry are you ok?" Marcoh asks.
"I'm fine." Winry states sadly.

I just look at them and stay still. I try not to show any emotion on my face.

"Hey (y/n). You haven't said anything since we came down here." Winry states. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just thinking. Don't worry about me." I reply, with a slight smile.

She looks at me sadly. And while that happened May Chang was screaming about soggy dynamite.

"Enough. Quit dawdling. They could already be after us." Scar says angrily.
"Right. Sorry." Marcoh replies.

*a bit later*

"What's this resina term here?" Marcoh asks.
"It's miracle drug used for long jevity." Scar replies.
"Hmm. Could that be the Philosophers Stone? It says here that it could transform all metals to gold and restore youth to the elderly. And what does this term mean. Aralian."
"It's another term for gold."
"So these notes are centered around immortality and gold."

I look at them.

'But I'm probably the answer. I don't know how. I can heal wounds. What am I?' I ask myself.

I then look at May.

"I'm guessing that it's because Mr. Scar's Brother was influenced by Xingese Alkahestry whenever he wrote them." May explains.
"Why is that?" Marcoh ask her.
"We refer to an immortal as a Shineto. It means "a true being". These true beings are considered to be perfect souls. And since gold is considered the perfect metal, these beings are also sometimes called Aralian."

A question mark formed above my head. I have no idea what she's talking about.

"So in other words, an immortal as seen as a golden being." Marcoh states.
"In a sense. It comes from the man who brought Alchemy to Xing. The legend says he was an immortal with golden hair and eyes. And that's where the term originated." May explains.
"An alchemist with golden hair and golden eyes. It sounds a lot like Ed and Al." I said.
"Hey! Over here! The exit!" Yoki yells.

Once we exit, we're welcomed with the bright sky, and cold air.

"It's so bright!" I said.
"I was starting to wonder if we'd make it." Marcoh says in relief.
"The weathers clear." Jerso says.
"For now. Let's head to Briggs before it changes again." Zampano states.
"Alright everyone. Follow my lead." Yoki says while only taking one step forward to fall in the snow.

He started to yell.

'That's some deep snow...' I thought.

I then look at Zampano.

They're going to walk in front to stomp the snow down. We then started walking. It was silent. We then heard screaming.

'That sounds like.... Al!' I thought.

I looked in the snow and found a metal foot sticking out of the ground.

"THATS AL!" Winry and I yelled.

May, Winry, and I ran to dig him out. Once we did, he thanked us.

"You saved me. I got stuck in the snow and a blizzard buried me." Al says.
"What are you doing out here." I ask.
"I crossed the mountain to warn you guys."

He went across the mountain instead of the mine.

"It was the only way to warn you." Al states firmly.
"Warn us. About what?" I ask.
"Briggs has been taken over by troops from Central. General Armstrong is gone, they summoned her to Central Headquarters. You'll be walking into their hands if you go there."
"Well then, what are we supposed to do?" Jerso asks.

Scar then says that there is a village called Aspec. I guess we have a hike to do. But then Al suddenly passed out.

"ALPHONSE!" I scream.


We were sitting in some kind of shack. We had a fire going, and since Al passed out. We were just waiting for him to wake up. I sighed slightly. Marcoh and May were trying to crack the code. I just watched Al, worried about him.

"Huh. Where am I?" Al asks, suddenly waking up.
"AL!" I yell, while hugging him.

Winry was worried as well. But Al did say sorry.

"Where are we? And why am I in pieces?" He asks.

*a bit later*

"And that's it." I explained.
"You were too heavy to carry in one piece, so we had to dismantle you." Scar said.
"Oh. That makes sense. Sorry to put you out like that." Al said.

I look at Al sadly.

It's ok Al. You didn't put us out. We care so that's why we helped!" I said.

I just listened to the conversation and was silent the whole time.

We then started putting Al back together. I take his head and put it on the neck plate. I then look at May who undoes the pages and drops them.

"What are you doing May?" I exclaim.
"Rearrange the pieces. What if we try finding the reoccurrence of a word for gold or immortality by physically overlapping them." May explains.

We then got to work. I got some pages and gave them to Marcoh once we got done, we look at it.

"I wonder if we?" May asks.

She then drew stuff on it. Once she was done, we saw the country-wide transmutation circle.

"It can't be." Marcoh states.
"It's the country-wide transmutation circle." Al says.
"It's too late. For this to help us now."

I look at the two former soldiers. They were freaking out about how there was nothing they could do.

"Hey. Don't say that. There's always something you can do." I said.
"Like what?" They ask.

I think for a moment.

"We're missing something. We've only broken the first code, and I bet there's more. There's got to be another message hidden in there." Al explains.

Yoki then sneezes blowing the whole thing.

"I got it. Try turning the negatives into positives. You turn a bad situation upside down." I said.

They then got to work. And once they finished.

"(y/n) you're right. It's another Amestrian transmutation circle but activated by Xingese Alkahestry instead." May says.

There we go. I'm sorry if this isn't good. I've been stressed but since Winter Break started, I can probably update more. I'll try to get one tomorrow. I want to because this'll be my favorite chapter. The one I'm going to write maybe tomorrow. Where Envy appears to all you Envy lovers. I want you to vote if you want her to be with Marcoh and the others, or hiding behind a tree and then comes out when Envy mocks Marcoh. Please vote. See you in the next Chappy!- CRUSIFIXdroid

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