Inside The Belly pt.3

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Your POV:

My eyes were dilated in fear.

' "How did you think I knew you were an Alchemist? Your parents' screams for someone to save them from their fate, it was like music to my ears! The best part, was that I used your safety to make them not tell you who tied them to that bed! Ohhh and not to mention that I set their room on fire first! What a joyous memory!" Envy shouted in glee.'

Those terrible things Envy said kept running in my mind. My parents were such innocent and loving people. I started sobbing. I didn't want to be reminded, but it was too late.

"So it was you. You were the one who shot and killed that poor innocent child. You destroyed my hometown. You drove out The Ishvalans. You're the one who turned Scar into a murder. And it was you. Your the reason Winry and (y/n)'s parents were killed! YOU'RE THE ONE TO BLAME!!!" Edward said, his volume getting higher, the last part he screamed.

Did he really care that much for me. He then punched Envy in between his cheek and jaw. Envy didn't even move.

"What the hell. It didn't even budge." Edward said, with his metal fist against Envy's skin.

Envy was sitting there like nothing happened, but then he got angry. I was still on my knees. I'm not going near him. I can't move. The only thing working is my thinking process.

Red lightning then formed around envy.

"Ok then. If that's how you want it." Envy snarled while the red lightning surrounded him.
"ED, (y/n) GET BACK!" Ling yells.

I wish I could. I can't move.

"I'm gonna show you three something neat before we die. Consider it a parting gift." Envy said while transforming into some thing.
"Did you notice his foot prints? When we were all fighting in the forest?" Ling asks Ed.
"What, no." Ed replied.

I still couldn't move. All I could do was watch everything.

"What's your point?" Ed asks.
"He is freakishly heavy for the size of his body. He might be a bit bigger than he looks." Ling said.

I then look up and see  a hideous thing with 8 legs. It had a bunch of weeping faces on him. My eyes widen as I look up at it. One eye had seven pupils in it, all were colored a pinkish violet color. The other eye was black and had a violet pupil. The same violet his eyes were, before he turned into that thing.

I was shocked, and I still couldn't move.

"(y/n) GET BACK!" Ed screamed.

Then Envy attacked them. Blood went everywhere in waves taking me with it. I all of a sudden could move again. I gasp for air. I then scream, due to remembering my fear right here, right now.

"What the hell. How is that a homunculus? THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ARTIFICIAL HUMANS RIGHT?" Ling shouted.

Envy's POV:

I finally get to reveal my true form, and kill the pipsqueak and squinty eyes! But for my self satisfaction, I'll keep the girl alive. I'm not done with her yet. Seeing the look in her eyes when I told her I was the one who killed her pathetic parents. It was truly amazing!

I can explain more once I kill the pipsqueak. The only close friend left she has!

Your POV:

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