Dwelling in the Past

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Your POV:

I was laying in bed quietly thinking. Rose kept me in here all day, so I could gather my strength. I looked up silently.
(I'm gonna guess they Ed is about 17 at this point so I'm gonna go by that)

*12 years ago*

I was running around the house giggling softly.

"Mommy! Mommy! When will daddy be home?!" I asked while jumping in the air.
"I don't know sweetie. Your daddy works for the military. He uses alchemy my little one." My mother replied.
"What's alchemy?"

I tilted my head in slight confusion. I stopped jumping up and down.

"What's alchemy?" I asked, being curious about it.
"Let's see.... hmmmm. Alchemy is an art our country uses. It allows you to use the elements to transform them into something for an equal price. It revolves around the rule of Equivalent Exchange. It's where to create something, something of even value must be lost."  My mother explained.

My eyes lit up in excitement. I started jumping up and down.

"Can you do alchemy mommy?!" I asked happily.
"Yes I can." My mother replied.

I started giggling childishly and began running around her.

"Show me! Show me!" I exclaimed.
"Ok ok fine. You just have to calm down." My mother said.

I ran around until I got tired. I plopped myself on the floor and watched my mother with anticipation.

"C'mon! C'mon! Show me!" I exclaimed.
"Honey. I have to draw the circle first." She replied.

I then heard the sounds of scratching on the floor. I observed a little closer, and my mother was drawing something with chalk on the wooden floor. When she was done, I noticed it was a circle. It had many symbols in it and, it looked cool.

"Mommy that looks cool! What is it?" I asked.
"This my dear (y/n) is a transmutation circle. You have to draw  something like this to preform alchemy." My mother replied.

After I said that, my mother clapped and slammed her hands on the ground. Suddenly light started coming out of the circle. The light was a bluish green color. Light started to surround the floor with a cascade of lightning and sparks. I noticed an item was forming in the light. My eyes reflected the same color from the light. Soon enough, the light faded away, and what was there on the floor was a wooden rose.

"Mommy that was so cool!" I exclaimed.
"Yes dear I know. You're pretty much interested in everything aren't you?" She asked.

I nodded my head with a huge smile on my face. My mother bent over to pick up the wooden rose. She then walked over and handed it to me. I giggled as she ruffled my hair in the process.

"(y/n) I made this for you. I know that I love making things for others while using it. I added my mothers touch." She said with a smile.
"Mommy. Can I learn alchemy please?" I asked making puppy dog eyes.
"I don't know. I'll ask your father when he gets home."

I frowned slightly. I wanted to learn now, and dad wasn't supposed to be home now.

"(m/n) I am home!" My dad said.
"You're home early. What happened?" My mom asked.
"Let's just say that I finished my work early."

I smiled and ran to my dad. He then picked me up and smiled.

"I wonder who this little angel is!" He laughed.
"I'm your daughter daddy!" I replied happily.
"Our lovely (y/n) wants to learn alchemy dear." My mother said.

My dad put me down and sighed.

"So you told her what alchemy is?" He asked my mother.
"She was curious. I want to teach her it. I know our little (y/n) is selfless. She wants to help others." My mother explained.
"I don't mind as long as she doesn't ever try human transmutation."
"Obviously dear."

My mother then smiled at me.

"Alchemy lessons begin tomorrow." She said happily.

I let out a shout of joy and ran around the house smiling.

*next day 12 years back*

I went downstairs with a smile on my face. My mother was waiting for me.

"You ready?" She asked.
"Yes!" I exclaimed.

I sat down in front of her. There was a chalk board and some chalk.

"The first thing to know about alchemy is the circle. The circle is the bond of power that allows you to use alchemy. The circle is the matrix of all alchemy. You have to have it. You start by drawing the circle formula for what you want to make. There are many different symbols that will help you make totally different things." She explained.

I drew something on my paper. I had a text book next to me, and I saw the symbol for paper. I drew a circle and the symbols for paper on it. I clapped my hand together and slammed them on the paper. The lightning that surrounded me was a beautiful blue. I closed my eyes wanting to form origami. I focused on that shape. Once I opened my eyes, I saw a goose origami. I smiled.

"Mommy I did it!" I exclaimed.

She looked at me and her face held shock. She sped over and looked at the origami.

"How did you manage to do this after I explained the circle?" She asked me.
"I just thought of what I wanted to make after drawing it." I replied.
"This is great! You are a fast learner!"

I smiled. I made my mother proud by doing this. I was taught by my mother for many more months, until her and my father passed away.


I felt a couple of tears in my eye remembering the first time I learned alchemy.

"Mom. I want to know more. You aren't here to teach me more." I said while the tears fell out of my eyes.

This is day 3 for FMA week. This is completely filler because I don't have good WiFi to access the dialogue. Sorry that it was filler. And I couldn't find a picture. Sadness. I hope you enjoy. Another chapter tomorrow.

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