Plans for the Future

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Edward's POV:

"So I guess this means we're drifters again?" Heinkel muttered.
"Yep." Darius replied.

I was next to the car standing watch.

'I never should've dropped my guard around Kimblee. Talk about a setback. And Al.... I hope he was able to safely find (y/n) and Winry.' I thought.

"Hey Fullmetal. Quit spacing out!" Darius yelled, snapping me out of my trance.

I turned around to face Darius and Heinkel. I really need to find Al. I really need to find (y/n). I want to know that they're both safe.

"So what's the next plan of action?" Darius asked.
"Well let's see. The first thing I need to do is meet up with Al. He should be with Doctor Marcoh by now." I explained to them.

Darius and Heinkel stared at me from the other side of the car. It was obviously the car we used to escape.

"Well where are they?" Darius asked.
"You do know how to find them right?" Heinkel asked.

I sat down on the rim of the car and put my hand and my automail together. I held my hand with my automail one and thought.

'If I were Al, where would I go? C'mon. Think.' I thought.

Your POV:

I got too bored laying in bed all day, so I got up and went outside. I started wandering around Lior, trying to find Al.

"C'mon Al. Where are you?" I asked myself.

The scenery was quite magical. Mostly everyone in Lior was working. It's so peaceful. How did people not fight or get into disagreements? It was quite nice to be in a place without fighting or war.

I continued to wander through the streets of Lior. I went into several alleyways and looked around.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Look at this. They're going to do the same thing to Amestris that they did to Xerxes aren't they? We've gotta hurry and stop them. It's almost complete." I heard someone say.

I noticed that voice from anywhere. It was Al's voice. I started walking in the direction that the voice was coming from.

"Oh I'm impressed. You've really done your homework. This is a reverse transmutation circle. Huh?" Someone else said.

That voice sounded like Hohenheim. Alphonse and Hohenheim were talking.

"Destroying the tunnel seems like the best way to thwart them. And since it runs under Lior." Al said, and then was cut off.
"That's not a good idea. They've got an immensely powerful homunculus named Pride watching over the tunnel." Hohenheim explained.
"But still. We've gotta try before it's too late."
"For all we know, they might've already completed the circle."
"Then why are you so relaxed?!"
"Because. It's not yet time."
"Huh? How do you know?"
"Look up son. You're too busy looking down when you need to look up. If you want answers, that's where you'll find them."

I was still coming closer, and I then finally saw Al. He was looking up at the sky.

"The sky? You mean the Sun God Leto?" Al asked.
"The man in central is waiting for the Day of Reckoning." Hohenheim explained.

I was in shock. I then walked out, and Al saw me.

"(y/n) why are you here? You should be with Rose." Al said.
"I was with Rose. She was making me rest in bed. I got bored, so I looked for you. I kinda eavesdropped part of the conversation. I'm sorry." I explained while looking down.

Hohenheim looked at me with shock.

"You're the girl that was with Edward when he was in Resembool." He said.
"Yes that's me. Listen. I want in to help you. I've been selected as a so called sacrifice, and I've been with Ed and Al through pretty much everything." I explained.

Hohenheim looked at me, and started to inspect my body. He was feeling my arms, legs, and just inspecting me.

"You do know what you have to do to be a sacrifice, right?" Hohenheim asked.
"Yes I do..." I replied.

Hohenheim still had a look of shock on his face.

"How is nothing missing? If you were selected to be a sacrifice, then you had to have done human transmutation." He said.
"I committed the taboo. The portal told me that it couldn't take anything from me." I explained.

I then clapped my hands together and placed them on the ground. The same beautiful blue lightning and sparks surrounded me as I crafted something. I crafted a little cat figurine.

"See. No circle." I said holding up the little cat figurine.
"Do you have healing alchemy?" Hohenheim asked.
"I don't think so. Alchemy can't exactly heal others without a Philosophers Stone."

He gave me a look. It was a look that told me that he caught on to something.

"Do me a favor and give yourself a little wound." He told me.

I looked at Hohenheim with an 'are you crazy' look.

"C'mon dad! Why are you asking that of her?" Al asked.
"Alphonse it's important for me to know this." Hohenheim replied.

I clapped my hands once again, and I formed a tiny blade. I closed my eyes and I cut myself lightly. Blood bubbles up from the tiny wound, and I winced lightly. Suddenly tiny blue sparks formed. It wasn't like my alchemy. I didn't notice this when I was underground. The color was a lighter blue than my alchemy. The wound then healed. Al gasped in shock.

"(y/n) you are special." Hohenheim told me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"That isn't alchemy. You were born with a rare healing ability that even blocks off the laws of Equivalent Exchange."

I was shocked. I looked at myself and gasped slightly.

"Maybe that's why my parents were killed by a homunculus. Because they knew about me and wanted to use me." I said out loud.
"So your parents were killed by one of them. Which one did it?" Hohenheim asked.

Tears started to form in my eyes.

"It was Envy. He told me. He enjoyed it. He laughed at my suffering. He even tried to kill Maes Hughes. My new adoptive father. I was able to heal him. I don't know how" I explained.
"That makes me more right. You can heal whoever you want. You are probably immortal. I have no idea, but if it's true, then you could probably spread it somehow. You could even get Alphonse back in his body." Hohenheim explained.

I looked up with determination. And with those words said, the months flew by with flashing colors.

This is a bit of a serious chapter! Day 4 of FMA week! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Trying not to be lazy and not update. It's haaaaaard. Anyway this story is starting to hit its climax. I'll update tomorrow. See ya!

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