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Your POV:

Ed, Al, and I were following Envy down the hallways of underground. Those halls were the same color as when I was in here. We came across something that resembled an elevator. Envy pressed some kind of button.

"Hey. Where are you taking us?" Edward asked as he came to a halt.
"Just get in." Envy said as he walked into the elevator.

We followed behind without any other choice. Once we got in, the doors of the elevator shut. And we were going up. While we were in the elevator, Envy shapeshifted into a soldier. I heard a ding, and the elevator doors opened. Envy walked out motioning us to follow him. We exit and Ed and Al look like they realized something.

"This looks like!" Edward screams.
"Ah!! It's Central Command. We were ready right below it!" Al said shocked.
"I already knew that. When I escaped the first time." I said.
"HEY! You guys are plastered with filth." Envy said.

I walked into a separate shower room from the Elric brothers. I was under the shower head as I thought about my parents. How could they be so cruel? I just let myself cry until I was done with my shower.

Edward's POV:

"So they've been there this whole time. I never would've guessed that they were beneath the command center." Al said while sitting down.
"So maybe it's not just the Fühur. The entire military might be involved." I said as I turned off the shower head.

I smile a little bit. I bet Al will be excited to hear this.

"But hey. There's some good news in all of this." I said.


Al's body was looking right at me in the portal.


"You saw it? My body's still in there?!" Al asked.
"It is. I tried to reach out for it, but it said that it couldn't go with me since I wasn't its soul." I said while drying my hair off.

I was still drying off my hair. We finally did find a trace of hope that Al could get his body back.

"My body. It still exists. Yes! Yes!" Al said.
"YES!" I said as I clapped my hands together to make my antenna stay up.

(Btw an antenna is that little piece of hair that stands up. Edward does that. Lol. The more you know.)

I started to walk out of the shower stall.

"And now that we know it's there, we're one step closer to getting it back." I said.

I then went down a little when I saw the little panda, cat, WHATEVER IT IS!!!!

"Al, what's that weird little cat doing in here?" I asked while sweat dropping.
"Uh, well. You know that little girl?" Al said.
"Brother! Stop yelling. And, while you're at it will you put on some pants?!"
"Hey what's the hold up?! Get a move on!" Envy came in yelling.

I just stood there shocked. This isn't good. This can't be happening.

Your POV:

I suddenly heard Ed and Envy scream in pure terror.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked.

I was curious to look at what was going on. But I decided not to.

Once Ed and Al came out of the bathroom, we followed Envy again.

"Jeez Al. Did you really have to bring her along with us?" Ed asked.
"What else was I supposed to do. She's hurt pretty bad." Al replied.
"So the little girl we saved from Gluttony is in your armor Al?" I ask.

The Secret of Life Itself (Full Metal Alchemist x reader)Where stories live. Discover now