Perfect Mistakes

318 16 4

Word Count: 1624

Title: Perfect Mistakes

Genre: Romance

Blurb: Lulu Fox and her lucky locket are the key to fame, success, and all that is golden in the streets of New York City; at least, that'd be true if the trinket weren't stolen before her very eyes.

Suddenly alone where dreams are crushed beneath yellow taxis, Lulu turns to Fletcher, the one person who picked her up when being miserable was much more than a status update (she's made quite a habit of that).

Fletcher knows the streets, but what he doesn't know is that he's robbed a small-town girl of her lovestruck heart.

Undoubtedly, racing to the big city was a huge mistake, and abandoning her schooling for fame can be called off as a huge misunderstanding. But now, she's made the most daring mistake of all - falling for the flaunting thief who took away the necklace holding her dreams.

Status: Ongoing


Starting Points: 30

Cover: There's nothing wrong with it, if you commonly read romance books. It fits the genre so I won't make a huge fuss over it. Your targeted audience will lap it up. No points lost.

Title: Corny, but expected. Its kind of suspecting that romance writers on wattpad don't opt for a title with meaning, or that isn't "slickly" found in the summary. *Stares into the camera*

Summary: This would actually be half good if their wasn't several tense jumps in the beginning, odd wording and word choice, and grammar issues. Nonetheless, this is decent enough. Its doing its job, says everything that needs to be said, has a clear plot. Alright. I'd opt for a new one, but no points off.

Plot: A coming of age (or should I say fame? Ha) story where a girl falls in love with her thief? Wow. Sounds like a local news headline in Florida. Let's read!

Opening thoughts:

-Excerpt: "Nearly everyone has a comfort zone that determines which situation where you feel most safe or at ease." Ew. Why does this sound like something out of a rom-com movie when the main protagonist starts off their shitty movie in narration? Anyway, this is cliche and isn't my cup of tea, but I've read worse and I'm not internally bleeding, so I call that promising! Still taking away a point though. (-1)

-I've just realized that this chapter is taking the overdone "starting-off-your-book-like-it's-an-extension-of-your-summary" route and the bleeding has begun. That was quick! (-3)

-Yikes, this entire chapter is exposition. All of it is trying to make the audience think the protagonist is Relateable™ by spewing everything we don't care or asked to know about this character. Stop trying to "win" the audience over with your cheap tactics and get on with the story. No one cares that you're antisocial and claustrophobic, Nancy #959078. Keep your non-consented biography to yourself, and go choke on a bagel. (-5)

-The first chapter consisted of an obnoxious amount of exposition, complaining, awkwardly long descriptions of train passengers bumping into each other, and a pretty stale cliffhanger. The only reason I'm still reading is because you still have points left *sighs* (-5)


-Lulu Fox. The narrator we have been cursed with, and who apparently is surrounded with people who laugh at a hole in a sweater because they clearly have been living under a rock for the past couple of years where that has been a legitimate popular fashion trend. Unless this book is set in 2010 or something, those girls should have never been mentioned.

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