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I've had a crush on him for twenty years.
Yes, twenty. And yes that's when I also first met him, twenty years ago.
When we first talked, I could just sense the chemistry.
And when we first touched, it was like a spark arousing between our palms as we shook hands.
So, at 3:03 a.m I decided to text him. On impulse. And confess my love. And also pour out my soul.
I lay there in my bed, looking at the keyboard on my phone, trying to form the perfect sentence to not seem too desperate, but to seem genuine and heartfelt. I took a deep breath and started typing.
Me: hey Lovino it's y/n! So I just wanted to let you know that I've had a crush on you for a while now...

I was dying on the inside and out. My heart was racing and my head was pounding as I saw that he was typing. My heart kind of rose, thinking that maybe this sign of urgency was good. Maybe? I mean it is Lovi...

Oh flip he just sent it.

It read;
Lovi: Im sorry y/n but I'm not looking to be in a relationship right now.

"Technically" it wasn't rejection.
Technically. He just wasn't ready to be in a relationship. And that's ok. I don't want to rush things.

So, to keep it cool I replied;
Me: it's alright I'm not looking to be in one either. My friend basically pressured me too. BUT thanks for responding. Hope we can still be cool✌🏻
Lovi: 👍🏼

That's our convo.
And that's ok.
I'm still in love.
And that's ok too.

A/n I may or may not have used my actual situation to write a fanfic. That was my legit conversation not kidding. ANYWAYS OVER 100 READS WHAAAT I HAVE TO DO A SPECIAL OR SOMETHIN

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