England//what the fu-

1.1K 31 21

A/n please listen to the song please it will change your life

Ah fanfiction.

It can be a wonderful thing that takes you into another world, with you in the center. It can open your senses and pull you in deeper and deeper until you are totally enthralled in the story at hand.
Or it can destroy you.

And in this case, it destroyed poor, poor Y/n.

Y/n decided to check wattpad for any new notifications. They noticed that they got 1K reads on their Hetalia One Shots OHMYFLIP. However, fate decided to take that happiness, and shove it down into the dirt.

They noticed that their friend Antarctica sent them a message. A message that would change their life forever.

It was a story.

A reader insert.

And the story you're asking?

Spongebob x Reader.


being the daredevil that they are, y/n was bored and decided to check it out. That was a horrible mistake.

At the end, they were left on the couch, a permanent disgusted look on their face, and didn't move for three days.

They just sat there on the couch motionless. That was until a certain British man decided to pay them a little visit.

*knock knock*

"Y/n are you in there? No one has seen you in three days! Open up!"

No response.

"Fuck it I'm opening the door with my SKILL!" He shouted while backing up.
He then attempted to kick down the door, which led to his old man bones being hurt, and the door unscathed.

That's when the door opened, apparently unlocked.

That led to Arthur cursing rapidly under his breath. The old coot...

He walked in and realized that all the lights were off and there was no sign of Y/n. He walked around and was headed to the living room where he heard static. He walked in and saw y/n ABOUT TO BE KILLED BY SLENDERMAN! DUN DUN DUN!

Just joking they were just sitting on the couch, phone in hand, staring blankly at the static on the television.

Arthur walked up to them and waved his hand in front of their face. They didn't respond. So, he shook their shoulder and said,"Y/n, y/n love what's wrong?"

Y/n put their hand on Arthur's shoulder and whispered,"The fanfiction .."
Arthur looked puzzled.

"What fanfiction dear?" He asked concerned. Y/n's hand gripped his shoulder tighter and shouted, "SPONGEBOB X READER!"
Y/n then passed out, leaving Arthur a confused mess.

"What the fu-"

A/n do you still love me :) of course you do I'm amazing. ANYWAYS I HIT 1K READS OHMYFLIP??? That's flipping awesome. So I decided to do a little special for this one *wink* also this has more words than my school essay lol.

Hetalia x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now