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"Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from simple basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, and even the emotions and mood."  

I was reading about hormones in the above website and was fascinated with the intricacies of how our body works. We always attribute being emotional to hormones or being hormonal but upon reading through the website, I was amazed at how many different glands in the body work to produce different kinds of hormones. God is truly a master creator, he made the perfect machine in creating man. I don't think any man-made creation will ever top the human body and the complex workings of our bodies.

You're probably wondering why I'm talking about hormones. Well, our ficDei is acting strange and when women do, especially married ones, the next best guess is that maybe there's a bun in the oven (no pun intended, read on and you'll see why).   I guess only mothers and those who've undergone pregnancy will ever identify with the weird quirks brought on by hormones during a pregnancy.

Share your strange pregnancy quirks with us, or any strange encounters during a pregnancy. I know that for three straight months, I craved for winter melon hopia only from a certain chinese bakery and steamed shrimps, during my first pregnancy. Weird though, it seemed my hubby also had cravings, he ate Bopis only for that same period, haha. Enjoy reading, my dears :)

April 2018

Richard got a text message from Dei, saying she went home early because she wasn't feeling well. By the time he called her, she was already near Arcadia.

"Why didn't you ask me to bring you home? I could cancel my last meeting, it's just a supplier appointment."

"It's ok Jay, I'm not really feverish or anything, I just plain don't feel well."

"I left the office already, do you need anything?"


"Huh? Lemons?"

"Yes babe, I want to bake Lemon Squares."

"But you're not feeling well, I can just buy you Lemon Squares from Purple Oven."

"Nooooo.......I want to eat what I made."

"Babe are you sure you're well enough to bake? How many lemons?"

"Mmmmmm, two dozens?"

"Seriously? How many people are you feeding?"

"Just me, I won't share them, not even with you. Sorry, babe."

"You're beginning to scare me Dei, are you on something?"

"What? Are you insulting me? Fine, I'll buy the Lemons myself." And she dropped the call after that.

He called her but she wasn't picking up and it made him panic. He made his way to the supermarket to buy her precious lemons, making sure he had two dozens just as she requested. The line to the cashier was long since it was a payday, and it took him a good half hour before he finally pulled out of the supermarket. It took him another hour to finally get home.

The smell of freshly baked Lemon Squares wafted in the air, making his stomach rumble. He let himself in with the key code and headed to the kitchen to find Dei loading her third baking pan in the oven. On the table were two baking pans, one was cooling on a wire tray and another was already half empty.

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