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Alexander POV

After yesterday's event I've found myself with a wondering thought in my head.

Why breathe if I'm a waste of air?

I obviously make Jefferson uncomfortable and my presence is sickening. So...why not do him a favor. Do them all a favor and kill myself.

I was going to ponder more until I figured it was time to get up.
  I woke up slowly from bed and groggily reached over to my phone and saw it was seven something.

Washington is going to be mad I over slept.

Since he's a history and debate teacher, he has to be at the school early as well as being there early for Debate and history.
I sit up in the bed, pushing the blankets off of me as I climb out and yawn, padding to the bathroom.

On the way there I'm greeted by Martha, Washington's wife.

"Morning Alexander!" She gushed, embracing me in a hug.

I lazily hug her back.

We exchange a few other words before I go into the bathroom to get cleaned up.

I come out and pull my hair into a accidental messy bun while walking into the kitchen.

"Breakfast is made, lunch is in the fridge, have a great day, Alexander~!" Martha said as she grabbed her things and hugged me again before leaving.

It was weird having two random strangers look after me. Though it was starting to get a little less awkward as I started to adjust to this 'living habit' of theirs. All I really did was eat dinner with them, breakfast, and go to my room. Well the guess room but I liked to call it mine.
I look down at my plate of food Martha had cooked and I couldn't help but laugh. It was a pancake with a smiley face. The bacon as the smile and two sunnyside ups as the eyes.

He was adorable.

I named it Alex junior.

This is why I'm single. Because naming my breakfast is childish and idiotic.
I roll my eyes at myself and bid a final goodbye to Alex junior before devour him. AND IT WAS GOOD.

After my quick breakfast I throw a baggy grey sweatshirt with a hood on and grab my things.

I walked to the school after stopping to get coffee, which surprisingly wasn't that far from Washington's house. I made my way to the front desk and asked for the time.
"Its eight thirty four." The lady explains.

I shyly nod a thank you before thinking which class I'm in right now.

Debate. With Washington.

I mentally prepare myself for a long lecture as I place my hand on the doorknob to the classroom. I slowly open the door and stare down, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

Then there's laughter.

I hurriedly make myself to my seat and get out my stuff, pretending to take notes until the laughing is done. What were they laughing at?


I finish flicking tiny balls of paper at James and finally pay attention to Washington.

We do that often. When the teacher turns their back we all go crazy and pelt each other with whatever we can find. It's pretty fun.

I notice that that Hamilton kid isn't here today. Pfft, probably being a baby and crying his little eyes out.

"Hey Thomas, you back on earth yet?" Peggy says as she waved her hand in my face. I must've shortly zoned out.

I flash a smile at her but then that smile quickly drops as the classroom door opens slowly.

There's the midget!

Alexander walked into the classroom, wearing a...pffft a bun?! What in the world..

It had a few pieces of hair sticking out and some on the sides if his face. It looked like he was too lazy to actually do his hair in the morning.

"Hey look, it's the midget! Back at it again with the fagget hairstyles!" I say and everyone erupts in laughter.

I don't think he noticed though because he just walked straight to his seats and started to take notes.

"Okay class, there's a test in a few weeks. Practice and study for it because it'll be your final grade this semester." Washington says.

I don't care.

"Class dismissed, sir?" Peggy asks.

"Class just started." He answers and goes on and on about studying.

I secretly glance at Alexander. Who wears a man bun to school? Even I wouldn't do that because I've did it once and people said I looked like Lafayette.


Anyway I look at this dusty boy and think of ways to get him upset.

"Hey cinnamon roll!" I whisper yell to his since he sits a few seats away.

He jolts as he hears me but doesn't respond.

"Alexander!" I whisper louder and he turns around annoyed.


"Why do you have on a bun, fagget?"

He looks surprised but then reaches up and touches his head. Soon as he does, his bun fell out and his hair went every! Some over his face, others frizzy.

He looks petrified. Me and others laugh and lean back in my seat.

He asks Peggy for a comb before running out of the classroom to what I think is to fix his hair.

"What a dipshit." I remark, yawning and listening to Washington.

But...is that really all think of him?

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