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"Thomas!" My name is heard from all sorts of directions as I approach the school yard.

The voice I seemed to make out the most was Madison's.

"Thomas! Oh my god, Thomas!" He engulfs me in a huge hug and I immediately hug him back, avoiding the pain in my arm.

"Tommy I've missed you so-"

"Shhh..Jemmy it's okay. I'm here now." I mutter as I hold him tightly. He starts to cry and I fight the urge not to also. James is the closest friend I've got and not to mention I like him. A lot, I do. Then..

I remembered..

"I'm order for you to be I'm my house hold you will only date girls! If I see, hear, or think you're with a boy I will murder you where you stand, boy!"

I shudder at the memory and let go of Madison. I look down at him and sigh as I get bombarded with questions.

"Thomas, where have you been!?"

"Are you okay!?"

"Thomas Jefferson coming hooooome!!"

This was gonna be a long day.


After going bowling all last night for John's birthday, I was still a lot tired.

I mean, I was so tired a coffee couldn't fix it if I tried. And I tried.

I meet up with Eliza in the school yard and I see she's talking to someone. And she was just as  beautiful.

"Oh right! Angelica, remind me what we're looking for?"

"Hey Eliza! Who's your friend?" I say as I approach the two girls.

"This is Angelica! My sister!" She grins and I smile.

"The Schuyler sisters.. " I say in a sing song voice.

They both giggle and I have a feeling I could win these two over. Just saying.

"Nice to meet you, Angelica," I reach to grab her hand and I softly press my kiss upon it.

Eliza..I think cringed and grabbed Angelica's hand away.
"N-nice to meet you, Alexander." She blushes.

I smile. "Same here."

Eliza was about to speak when we hear loud cheers and commotion coming from the center school yard. "Thomas Jefferson's coming hoooome!"

No. Fuckin. Way.

"Jefferson. Is. Back?" I mutter in disbelief.

Time skap!!

I take my seat in social studies next to...



"Yo teacher, ima need you to switch my spot-I can't sit next to this jerk!" I say to Mrs. Adams.

Jefferson steps in front of me and bends down to my level. "Shut your ass Hamilton. I didn't choose to sit by you."

"And I didn't choose to come to this school or for you to run your mouth like you're the Fresh Prince of Belair!"

He grabs my collar. "Say it again, Hamilfag!"

Our faces were literally inches away from each other and his hot breath was against my nose as we kept a deep glare at each other. It was only a few seconds but it felt like hours.

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