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Lex C
Okay it's Alex pov
(Not edited)

"And that is the story of how I came to America."

Me and John nodded, leaning on each other as we barely listen to Lafayette talking about how he came to America and how he was almost forced into marriage with some Adrienne chick.

I really didn't care and I still don't care.

"Hey, do you guys want to know the history behind my full name?"

Me and John groan in sync. "Bro no one cares!" John snapped, rolling his eyes at Lafayette. It was funny because John still had his hair braided in cornrows front the night before, as Lafayette wasted no time in taking out his pigtails.

The frenchman scoffed, flicking us off. "Va te faire foutre!" (Kiss my ass)

"No one wants to.." I laugh at him and he smacks me upside my head. Just as I'm about to strangle him, there's a knock on the door.
"It's open!" We all say at the same time, Laf sounding more pain stricken because I have him in a headlock.

The door opened and Thomas came in with some food and with James Madison. But I was more happy to see food in all honesty.

"I brought food-"

Gilbert and Freckles both launched away from me and to Thomas, snatching the foot long sub away from him and splitting it. "Do you have-"

"Yes John, I have honey mustard."

"Italian dressing-?"

"Yes Laf-"

"Did you get my-"

"Yes Lex, I got your macaroni." Thomas smiled to me when he sat down. He gave me a goofy smile that sent moths fluttering in my stomach. I would say butterflies but my stomach is so empty that I think the butterflies died.

"Thank you." I smile back as he handed me the macaroni he brought. I immediately dive in and eat the whole bowl, eventually using my spoon to get the extras around the bowl. "What are you doing?" James asked in confusion as to why I was scraping my bowl.

"Getting the wall scrapings, duh." I reply, still scraping around the edges and eating it. "Hey at least he's eating." Thomas muttered, putting an arm around me. They all nod and go back to eating and playing on their phones. I set the bowl down and look up at Thomas. "Nurse said she's going to give me another physical and see if I can leave today. But they're going to put me back on my medicine."

He smiles, "That's good right?"

"Well-" his smile faltered. "It's not necessarily good. No one wants to be on depressants and Xanax all day." He nodded, looking away briefly before turning back to me. "Did the doctor say you have to take them or..?" He awaited a response from me that I was debating on speaking.

"They just told me they were going to put me back on it. That's all." When I looked up I noticed that the other guys were listening in but I was only focus on what Thomas has to say.

He scoffed. "Bullshit. You've been off your meds for weeks and you've been fine."

"Well yeah, That's because I was with you." I throw my gaze down to my feet that swung slowly from the edge of the bed. "But things are different now-"

"They don't have to be." I could sense him smiling again. It was like hearing a baby laugh when seeing him smile. "If this date goes well, then I'll always be with you, right? No more medicine." He squeezed me and I looked up. "Yeah. I guess."

"Wait- I'd like to hear about this date thingy." John said, crossing his arms over his chest and James Madison did the same, following suit. "I'd like to know as well." Lafayette, catching on late, mimicked them, not knowing what they were talking about because he was texting Herc. "What they said." He announced with his hands on his hips and his lips pursed.

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