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Hamilton pov

Actually I lied. Normal pov.


Bright light. He saw.

It was warm. It felt...safe.

It felt like that's where he needed to go.

He reached out to it.

Despacito. Slowly, he did.

He grabbed the light. He held it, and it felt warm. It felt safe.

"Please don't let go.." He muttered to it.




"Alexander wake up!"  A voice laughed.

Alexander's eyes opened and get found himself in a hospital bed in a hospital room.

And he was hugging Washington.

"Alexander can you let go of my head?" He laughed again and Alex looked down at where he had embraced Washington's head. His bald head.

No wonder why it was warm..

He instantly let go and his eyes shifted to Martha Washington, who was talking to a few police officers with tears in her eyes.

Alex was confused.

"Da-Washington, wh-what happened?" He noticed his voice was hoarse and his throat was dry. He needed some milk.

"We wondered why you didn't come home last night and hours later we get a call from the principal, saying you were unconscious behind the school. By then you were already getting medical attention."

Hamilton closed his eyes. He remembered. He remembered getting beat up by Jefferson and being told not to tell anyone. He would keep his promise.

"Mr. Hamilton? Do you mind if we ask you a few questions to see if you recall the events of last night?" The first police officer asked, approaching the hospital bed as the other got out a note pad.

Hamilton nodded.

What happened? Bet 100$ he's gonna say that.

"What happened?"

Gotcha bitch.

He wasn't going to tell them the truth.

"All I remember is getting slammed into a wall and that's it." He stated.

The cops looked at each other. "Bystanders said they saw you looking nervous before last period."

"Bystanders don't know shit."

"They also said they saw two individuals darting from the scene."

"What scene?"

"The scene where medics found you."

"I thought the principal found me?"

"Alexander." Washington glared at him like how a mother would when scolding a child. (#Washingdad)

Alex sighed. "I just...I need some time to think." He rubbed his eyes.

"We understand. We'll be back later to ask questions." The second cop said and they left.

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