you guys are the best

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Wooh! It's over.

Guys I am honestly sorry for how this book ended. It was rushed and did not go as planned. It has so many plot holes and I had so much ideas for future chapters, but then I thought, it'd be too difficult to try and make other chapters and totally forgetting about everything else..

BUT, I did enjoy writing and reading your comments, you people are the best.  LIKE SERIOUSLY, I DIE LAUGHING WHENEVER ONE OF YOU SAY SOMETHING SO FUNNY

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, again, sorry for all the messed up plot.

In other news, I published a badass Lam's book called Instagram Alexander Hamilton and it's basically Alex being a fuckboy and trying to get nudes from John who's a socially awkward college student. You'll love it.

Please check it out and send ya love! Au revoir!

Despacito~♡~ Jamilton ✓Where stories live. Discover now