Chapter 10

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Sitting in the waiting room of my father's office, I flipped mindlessly through a tabloid magazine, not paying it much attention until I stumbled across a spread on the Huntzberger-Fontaine wedding that had just taken place on Saturday afternoon in London.  I looked through the pictures, she looked beautiful in her dress - this was actually the first photo of Odette I had ever seen.  She was a classic beauty, and she matched with Logan's looks perfectly. 

I flipped through the pages upon pages of photos and read the article about it, and that's when I came across the photos of Him, and his signature partying ways.  He had his arm around a different woman in each of the pictures and it hurt to see him like that. Although now it makes sense why I never got a reply from any of my calls.  He probably hasn't even checked his messages at all. 

I was getting upset and slammed the magazine shut just as my dad walked into the room to get me.  "Hey kid!  Everything okay?  You look - sad" he said, leading me into his office.

I cleared my throat and followed him silently, and sat in the chair across from his at his desk.  "Uh, I'm not sure I'm okay...  I've just had a lot a lot on my mind lately" I told him.

"Well, talk to me kid.  What can I do for you?  Is it a money issue?" He asked, assuming that was probably the reason for my visit.

"No, it has nothing to do with money" I answered, catching him by surprise.

"It's not...?  Then to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my beautiful oldest daughter?" He asked.

"Well, I'm doing some research, on fathers.  I'm interviewing fathers who all had very different backgrounds and experiences when raising their children.  I started with one who wasn't aware of his daughter until she was twelve, and so I wanted to also ask you, since we had the unique dynamic that we had with mom" I explained. 

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that at all, but sure.  What would you like to know?  Ask me anything" he said.

"Well, obviously we weren't close when I was younger.  Would have been easier for you if Mom hadn't told you that she was pregnant?"

"What?  Of course not, Ror.  I made a lot of mistakes when you were younger, and I've beaten myself up for them for years, but that doesn't change the fact that you're my daughter.  I wish that I would have been a better dad to you all of those years, but all I can do is be there now."

"Why weren't you there when I was younger?" Rory whispered tearfully.

"Oh, kiddo.  I was...young, and selfish, and probably pretty stupid.  I didn't know what was really important in life then."

"Was there anything that would have woken you up?  Made you grow up and be in my life from the beginning?" I asked.

"Are you sure this is for research, or is it personal between you and me?" He asked.

"I promise it's for research" I assured him.  "You and I really are in a good place now."

"I honestly don't know if anything could have made me realize what I was missing out on by not being a bigger part of your life, but I do know that I'm glad your mom didn't shut me out when I made mistakes and let you guys down.  It may have taken me way too long, but I finally mostly got the hang of this dad thing."

"You're great at it, Dad" I said with a small smile.

"I'm still learning, but I love you and Gigi very much."

"I know you do, Daddy" Rory replied, again fighting tears.

My dad came over and knelt down in front of me.

"Ror, sweetie, I feel like there's something else going on here.  Is everything okay?"

"I don't know, Dad.  I'm...I'm pregnant" I whispered.

"Wow.  That's unexpected.  How far along?"

"About ten weeks.  I've been trying to get in touch with the father, but he hasn't returned my calls."

"This whole conversation is making so much more sense now" he realized.

"I'm sorry, Dad.  I just...I had to know how you felt.  I don't want to do this by myself, but I also don't want to back him into a corner just to get him to answer my calls so I can tell him that he's going to be a father.  I don't know what to do" I sobbed.

"Oh, Ror.  You're not going to do this by yourself, even if he chooses not to be involved."

"I know.  I have you and Mom and Luke.  I just...I've known for two weeks and I've left him several messages.  I should at least know where he stands in all of this, but instead he's off having the time of his life in London, if the pictures are any indication."

"Pictures?" he asked, confused.

"Nevermind, it isn't important," I dismissed. 

"Who is this guy anyway?  I didn't know you were seeing anyone?" He asked.

"I don't want to tell anyone he's going to be a father before I'm able to tell him.  I feel like it's only fair.  If only I could get him to pick up the damn phone" I whispered.

"Why wait for that?  Go see him.  He can't avoid you if you see him in person" he said.

"That doesn't seem too needy?" I asked.

He shrugged.  "In this case, a little bit needy is necessary."

"I guess" I whispered, really thinking this was going differently than I originally expected.  I actually thought he would have almost rather have not known about me...

"Well, I guess I had better get out of here.  Let you get back to work, and I also have a doctor's appointment in a couple of hours" I said. 

Chris nodded and pulled me into his arms for a big hug.  "It was good to see you, kid.  Come see me anytime, and if there's ever - and I do mean ever - anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to let me know" he insisted.

I nodded.  "I promise, dad" I whispered, and he walked me out.  On his way back into his office, he looked down and saw the tabloid of Logan's wedding and flipped to the article and the pictures.  He knew the father was in those photos, and took the magazine back into his office with him, shutting the door behind him.

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