Chapter 41

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Emily's POV

"It's a beautiful night - what would you say to moving outside to talk?" I asked after we'd finished dinner. I was intrigued by watching Rory and Finn interact with each other during the short time since he'd arrived unexpectedly. I had my suspicions that there was more going on there than either of them were ready to admit.

"Yeah, that would be nice" Rory replied.

I led them through the sitting room, picking up two throw blankets on the way, and sat down on a chaise lounge on the deck. Finn led Rory over to a wicker loveseat and they sat down next to each other - it seemed those two were never far apart if given the choice. I handed them a blanket and Finn wrapped it around them both.

"So Finn, how is your family?" I asked after we were all comfortable.

"They're doing very well, Ms. Gilmore" he began before I interrupted him.

"Please, call me Emily. There's no need to be so formal; we're practically family, with you and Rory expecting together" I replied with a smile.

"Of course, Emily. My family is doing well. We're all working extra hours with the holiday rush - we're not immune to it in the banking world. And of course, we're preparing to go to Australia for Christmas" he answered. He and Rory shared a look that I couldn't quite interpret upon mention of Australia.

"And how did they take the news of the newest little Morgans? Or will they be Gilmores?" I asked.

"These little ones are Gilmore-Morgans" Rory said as she placed her hands on her stomach. Now that I looked at her, I could tell she was starting to show a bit. I watched as Finn smiled at her and reached over and rubbed the small swell of her belly tenderly. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that he was crazy about my granddaughter.

"And my parents are over-the-moon at having two more grandbabies. They thought I would never give them any grandchildren" Finn chuckled.

I smiled and nodded at at them both. "So, Rory says you live in Boston, Finn?" I asked.

"Yes, I do currently. I'm not certain how long I'll stay there, though" he answered.

Rory's head shot up and she looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean?" she whispered.

"Well, I just thought that at some point we might like to reside in the same city - it would make co-parenting much easier. I can't imagine being two hours away from you and the kids. You could move to Boston if you wanted, but I assumed that you would want to be close to your mom. I could always transfer to the Hartford office and then we'd be closer to each other" Finn replied quietly.

I watched silently as Rory's jaw dropped and she smiled. Before I knew it, she had scooted closer to him and was hugging him fiercely. "You'd do that for us?" she whispered to Finn.

"Of course, Love. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you three. This is my family now."

"We're not your only family, Finn, what about your parents? And your sister and nephews? You'd be two hours from them" Rory said in concern.

He chuckled lightly. "I've actually been seeing you more frequently than I've been seeing them, Ror. It'll be fine, I promise. I wouldn't let anything get in the way of seeing them, either, but you guys are my top priority" he said.

"You know" I said, interjecting into their moment, and they both looked up at me. "I happen to know of a house in Hartford that could use a caregiver or four... It's just sitting there, collecting dust, and there's a pool house where you could be separated enough to have your own space" I pointed out.

Ready for Anything?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora