Chapter 64

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Annie's POV

When we walked out of the hospital room, I turned and stopped Lorelai in the hallway outside the door.  "I just wanted to introduce myself in person, Lorelai.  I'm Anita Morgan, but please, call me Annie.  It seems you and I will need to get acquainted!  I just have to tell you, I absolutely adore your daughter.  Rory is such a great influence on Finn.  He's never been like this before, and I know I owe all the thanks in the world to your Rory" I told her happily.

Lorelai smiled at me warmly.  "Thank you, I like her a lot, too.  She's always been the kid growing up that parents credit as being a good influence - I guess things haven't changed!" She said with a laugh.

"And Emily, it's so good to see you again, it's been too long.  And I'm sorry, I'm being rude, I didn't catch your names" I said to the men in our company.

"This is my husband Luke Danes, and this is Rory's dad, Christopher Hayden" Lorelai introduced.

"Hayden?  As in Strobe and Francine?" I asked in surprise. 

"Yeah, those are my parents" he said.  "Anyway, Lor, can you give Rory a hug and a kiss for me, I need to run to the hotel and get some work done so I can stay in town to be here for here a while."

"You're staying?  Wow, that's - great of you, Christopher.  I'll tell her you'll be back in a while" Lorelai said, and he excused himself, walking away. 

"We all know cafeteria food is terrible, but I know you ladies won't want to leave - would you like me to go pick up some carryout from somewhere and bring it back for you all to have something actually nutritious for lunch?" Luke asked.

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" Lorelai asked Luke. 

"Sounds marvelous.  My treat" Emily said, handing Luke a bill from her wallet.

"We'll meet you down in the cafeteria" Lorelai said, giving Luke a kiss and he walked away as well. 

"Well, shall we go have some coffee and chat before he gets back?" Emily suggested to us, and we walked down to the cafeteria.

*                    *                    *

"So poor Finn was right all along.  I never in a million years would've thought something would have actually happened like this while he was gone" Lorelai said.

"Oh my goodness, I didn't know what to do, I'd never seen him so sure of anything in his life, and we all just played it off as if he was just not used to having someone to care about back home - we didn't take it seriously one bit!  I felt so terrible when Evie got that phone call!" I told her.

"Rory was calmer, but she still wasn't in a good place without him.  I know she was getting really worried about how adamant he was.  He just - he knew - and what an incredible, unexplainable thing to have happen" Emily said.

"He's definitely got a sixth sense happening when it comes to those three.  They all have him wrapped around his finger already.  It's a beautiful thing to see my son have so much love for his unborn children and their mother.  I seriously never thought I'd see the day with him" I said.

"I have to admit, I had my doubts about him as well, but I have seen him with Rory, and he's just more than I could've ever asked for for her.  He takes such good care of her, and cares so much for the babies.  It's just - really sweet to see them together" Lorelai said. 

"The first I met Finn, I was blown away.  They tried telling me there was nothing going on between them - and I believe that they believed that at the time - but I could see it.  It was in the way he looked at her, and in the way she wanted to be so near him.  I don't think they knew it, but I did" Emily said. 

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